We are using PRTG version
I added a first Windows device to PRTG and put some Performance Counters sensors for memory, processor... and config Upper Error, Upper Warning Limits and these Messages. When all was ok, I created a device template (template1.odt).
In another PRTG group added a few Windows devices, checking the "Automatic sensor creation using specific device template(s)" and selecting the template1. Discovery Schedule is Hourly.
Those new devices discover all the sensors ok.
A few days later, we need to change Upper Error and Warning Limits. So we go in PRTG console to the first Windows device, modify the limits and save the template with the same name (template1.odt).
As the rest of the devices use this template, we expect that in the next discovery schedule (Hourly) they read the changes and apply them. But this doesn't happen. If I add a new device and apply this template, obviously the limits are with the new values.
So... What is the procedure to change a template and wait that all the devices read the changes and apply them.
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