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FeedSNMP Traffic sensor suddenly drops at 610Mbps



Hello all,

We have a problem in PRTG which it is not showing traffic more than 610 Mbps within SNMP Traffic sensors for Extreme Switch it appears that the traffic is decreased but actually there is no decrease.

Tested it both on PRTG version 8 and PRTG 14. In both cases SNMP version 2 is being used.

Below is the screenshot of one affected sensor:


32-64-bit counter extreme-networks overflow snmp-sensor snmp-traffic traffic-monitoring

Created on Dec 15, 2015 11:44:30 AM

Last change on Jan 4, 2023 2:17:12 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

6 Replies

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 23

Querying 64-bit counters with SNMP Traffic sensors

Hello, thank you for your inquiry.

You are most likely using an SNMP Traffic sensor or SNMP Traffic v2 sensor that queries 32-bit counters for a Gigabit interface.

According to Cisco, 32-bit SNMP counters will stop working at around 650,000,000 bits/second. 'Stop working' means that the data is no longer reliable as the counter is constantly overflowing. This can lead to the situation that you are experiencing.

The most recent devices and SNMP implementations support 64-bit counters that can hold much larger values and will not display this behavior of overflowing. PRTG uses the 64-bit counters whenever possible, as long as the following requirements are met:

  1. The SNMP version must be v2c or v3. SNMP v1 does not support 64-bit counters.
  2. The device's SNMP Compatibility Settings must be configured to Use 64-bit counters if available (recommended). This is the default setting.
  3. The device must provide 64-bit counters. You can confirm their existence by doing a Walk of with SNMP Tester.

When switching from 32-bit to 64-bit counters, you must recreate the SNMP Traffic and SNMP Traffic v2sensors, as PRTG only checks for available counters at sensor creation. You can identify the type of your sensor under Sensor Type on the sensor's Overview tab.

The screenshot below shows a 32-bit SNMP Traffic sensor:
Click to enlarge.

Best regards,
Luciano Lingnau

Created on Dec 16, 2015 11:21:28 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

Last change on Jul 25, 2023 11:20:08 AM by  Jacqueline Conforti [Paessler Support]



Hi Luciano,

Thanks for your useful information and easy solution. Thank you so much the problem solved by using SNMP v2 and re-adding sensors.

Best Regards.

Created on Dec 17, 2015 2:13:16 PM



Just a short info on that Topic

Windows 2012R2 doesnt support 64bit SNMP !!! , it supports 2c but is just a wraper vor 1 and doesnt support 64Bit SNMP Sensor , so be careful !!!

If you have a 10GB Interface you can monitor it with SNMP 32Bit Sensor but you will end up with Crap Data.

Keep in Mind to use for 10GB Interfaces the "Windows Network Sensor" otherwise the DATA you receive is just "Crap".

The "Windows Network Sensor" differs from the "SNMP Traffic" Sensor the Traffic Data Data Structure.

Paessler is aware of the Problem and the Support told me that they are on the Topic ( current Version PRTG Network Monitor )

Please be aware with 10G Interface please always check if you have SNMP 64 Bit Sensor found or for Windows Server "Windows Network Sensor" ...

If you try to check 10G LBOF teamd interfaces for example in a Hyper-V Enviroment , you probably have to Build Custom Perf Counter Sensor for . ( a teamed Hyper-V LBOF W2012 R2 with LoadBallancing Hyper-Port for example )

We learnd it the hard way that you have to check the output of you Data ( Perfmon to validate the PRTG SNMP 32bit outcome ) , when we relied on them , we experienced to have 1000 Sensors full auf "not working" Data.

The Problem is also on TOP that the SNMP 32Bit Traffic Sensor are the on Default but can also with 1GB Interfaces produce "not working data" .

Created on Jun 15, 2016 8:59:09 PM



Thank you for the post, mviel. We will indeed have a new sensor to better support high speed bandwidth network cards on Windows. The plan is to have it released with version 16.x.25. Please bear with us.

Created on Jun 16, 2016 7:14:55 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Dear Mister Lindner,

I want to request the Status on the promised Sensor to measur the bandwidth network cards on Windows, after 6 Month waiting I think it is a good Time to ask for it again !

We are currently on Version 16.x.28. and still missing a solid Bandwith Sensor with low burdon on the PRTG Probe.

Created on Jan 27, 2017 1:10:04 PM




we actually released an according sensor as promised with version 16.3.25:


The Windows Network Card sensor can show more data now, including 64-bit counters, virtual network interfaces, teamed adapters, and virtual connections (for example, VPN). History / Release Notes Windows Network Card Sensor

As we can't really fix Microsoft's SNMP Implementation we had to use Performance Counters to make this possible.

Created on Jan 27, 2017 1:34:02 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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