I have configured IMAP Rountrip sensor for using in an IBM Notes mailbox. The mails arrive the box, also IMAP access to that mailbox works, which I tested with telnet from the same machine where PRTG is installed. Nevertheless the sensor always fails with the following result: "Checking for Messages: Maximum Trip Time exceeded (giving up)".
I played a bit with Maximum Trip Time and changed to 600. I got the following result:
"Connecting to IMAP Server: Failed to establish secure connection [Step 0] Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. [Step 1] Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. [Step 2] Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. [Step 3] Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. [Step 4] Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. [Unsecure] Connection Closed Gracefully."
After changing the parameter back to 300 the result is again "Maximum Trip Time exceeded". The result was the same with 600 afterwards, of course.
My question is: did you ever use the sensor with IBM (Lotus) Notes mailboxes?
May I ask you an additional question hereby? Is there a chance to extend the sensor to check a forwarding address? I will explain you what my intention is:
- send a mail from x.y@sender.com to x.y@recipient.com.
- forward the mail with a rule in mailbox of recipient to a third address, i.e. x.y@check.com (this might be x.y@sender.com to get what I want to have)
- check message in mailbox of x.y@check.com
The advantage of this process is that we prove the mail routing in both directions and not only from one domain to the other.
Thanks for any feedback Dietmar
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