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Feedcustom lookup file




Is it possible to have 2 of the same lookup files, with both different settings?

for example; I use Dell poweredge disk state sensor.

A couple of servers have diskstate none-raid and another couple of servers have diskstate raid.

Both are good, but when something change I have to get a notification.

hope it is possible.

custom-lookup dell sensor

Created on Dec 24, 2015 8:14:42 AM

5 Replies



Dear user

You can use an existing lookup file, copy it using a new name, and edit the copy. Lookups are usually stored in "C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor". I recommend to leave the existing file name as it is, otherwise it will be reverted with the next PRTG software update.

Please find the manual for lookup table creation here. If you start with an existing file instead of writing a new file, it will be easier. Once you create the new file, please edit the according sensor channels to use the new file.

Created on Dec 24, 2015 1:40:20 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

Last change on Dec 24, 2015 1:40:57 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hi Arne,

That is not what I want. I want to use the original lookup file but also the customized lookup file.

I currently using prtg.standardlookups.dell.diskstate_idrac for a bunch of servers. I don't have to change anything about this lookup file.

I also have a bunch of servers how also using that lookup file, but for those servers i want to use a customized setting. For those servers the disk-state is 'none-raid' and that is giving me a warning in the standard lookup file.

So I want to use the original lookup file but also a customized file.

is that possible?

Created on Dec 28, 2015 8:48:51 AM



Dear user

Each sensor channel can have a different lookup file. In this sense, you can use multiple lookup files for a sensor, if that sensor has multiple channels. But you cannot use more than one lookup file for a channel.

Created on Dec 28, 2015 12:15:33 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hi Arne,

I've copied the file from lookup/ to lookup/custom Changed the desiredValue to 8 so dell disk-state "None-raid" should not give me an warning.

Eventhough I still get errors. I did do a relead of the custom lookup-folder, I even rebooted the whole server.

is there some whay you can help me by remote session or something like that?


Created on Dec 30, 2015 8:09:24 AM



Dear Dave

I am sorry, we only provide email support.

The desired value is used for coverage calculation, not for sensor status changes. To map numeric values please use the <SingleInt state="..." value="..."> XML node, or when you cover ranges, the <Range state="..." from="..." to="..."> statement.

The possible states are OK, Error, Warning and None. Please find the full documentation in the manual.

Created on Dec 30, 2015 11:53:21 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

Last change on Dec 30, 2015 11:54:10 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

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