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FeedHow can PRTG get data for System Information tables?



PRTG was not able to get information from a monitored device to show data in the according System Information table. The error message indicates that PRTG needs access to the devices via protocols like SNMP or WMI to display this data.

What can I do to show system information for all System Information tables?

error-messages prtg remote-registry snmp sysinfo system-information systeminfo wmi

Created on Jan 12, 2016 5:31:12 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jul 24, 2019 4:44:14 AM by  Maike Guba [Paessler Support] (2,404) 2 1

26 Replies

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 22

Getting data for System Information tables

To show data in the tables on the System Information tab of a device, PRTG requests the data on this device using protocols like Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP), depending on the particular information request.

Basically, this works with the same technologies as for sensors that you use for monitoring. You must ensure that the necessary protocols are enabled and work on the device for which you want to get system information.

Prerequisites for System Information data

If you already monitor a device with WMI and SNMP sensors, it is most likely that PRTG automatically fills the tables on the System Information tab without the need for you to take action. Just click the System Information tab of a device and you will see the retrieved information for this device.

Meet the following requirements to show all available system information for a device:

  • Provide valid credentials for the target system in the device settings or inherit the Windows and SNMP credentials from a parent group or parent probe.
  • Enable the Remote Registry Windows service on the target computer, for example, via services.msc, and set its start type to automatic. If this service is enabled, you get more information in the Software table.
  • Enable the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Windows service on the target system, for example, via services.msc, and set its start type to automatic.
  • Configure WMI on the probe system and target system to get data for the system information tables System, Hardware, Software, Users, Services, and Processes. For more details about WMI, see:
  • Configure SNMP to get information for the System, Hardware, Software, and Processes tables from systems that do not run Windows. For more information about SNMP, see:

You will also get information data if you do not fulfill all requirements (for example, if you configure only WMI but not SNMP). However, not all information will be available and some tables may remain empty.

To retrieve information for the Software table, PRTG uses Uninstall registry keys, so the displayed software might differ from the software that the Windows computer shows under Programs and Features. If the target device is the probe system (local or remote), do not use the DNS name as the address of this device but localhost, (IPv4), or ::1 (IPv6). Otherwise, you may get an error in the Software table.

Note: The System Information feature is enabled by default. To retrieve the data, PRTG automatically uses Credentials for Windows Systems and Credentials for SNMP Devices as defined in the device settings or as inherited from a parent object like the root group. Consider this when you monitor devices outside the local network, particularly when using SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c that do not provide encryption.

Error messages for System Information

You may see one of the following messages if you do not meet the requirements. If you get an error message that is not listed below, refer to the general introductions to WMI and SNMP.

Error messageExplanation and troubleshooting
Please wait. Collecting system information…A table shows this message until PRTG can provide the according data. This may take up to a few minutes, depending on the target system and the used technology (WMI takes longer than SNMP). Usually, the table soon shows system information.
RPC Server not accessible. Port Error (Socket Error # 10061 Connection Refused.)Make sure that you provide the correct credentials for the target system in the device settings and that the RPC Windows service is running. Also check your WMI configuration (see My WMI sensors don't work. What can I do?).
The sensor could not connect to the Remote Registry Windows service of the target system. To resolve this issue, make sure that the service is running. Also make sure that you entered correct Credentials for Windows Systems in the device settings. For more information, see https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/67824. (code: PE255)Make sure that you provide the correct credentials for the target system in the device settings and enable the Remote Registry Windows service (see section Prerequisites for System Information Data).
No Response (check: […]) (SNMP error # -2003)Check your SNMP configuration. See My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do? for basic requirements.
Socket Error # 11001 Host not found.The device is not available. Resume the device and check its IP address or DNS name in the device settings.
80070005: Access is denied.Make sure that you provide the correct credentials for the target systemin the device settings.
Metascan Timeout.This is a WMI timeout and occurs if PRTG has not been able to establish a WMI connection for several minutes. Check your WMI configuration and particularly consider the WMI settings on the target system.
80041003: The current user does not have permission to perform the action.Check the access rights of the user account with which you are running the PRTG probe service. We recommend that you run the PRTG probe service with admin permissions.
Could not validate sensor preconditions.Make sure that you provide the correct credentials for the target system in the device settings.
80041001: The call failed.Check your WMI configuration and also see this article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
800706BA: The RPC server is unavailableRestart the target device and (re-)run Windows Update. See this Microsoft article for details.
Error: Could not access in 32 bit Registry –or– Error: Could not access in 64 bit RegistryIf the target device is the probe system, use localhost, (IPv4), or ::1 (IPv6) as address for the target device instead of the DNS name.


Created on Feb 19, 2016 1:08:16 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]

Last change on Dec 29, 2022 11:16:49 AM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]



If you are like me and mostly monitor Linux servers and Networking equipment, you will find that the only useful System Information Panel is "System". You will also see that some of the longer strings of text gets cut off which is really annoying.

A little bit of a hack but it works non the less. (Keep in mind that a PRTG update will clear this).

If you want to have all your panels on top of each other with no cutting off of text then do this:

Go to your PRTG directory and open the file

  • \PRTG Network Monitor\webroot\controls\sysinfo.htm. At your <div class="panel panel-grid wrap-panel sysinfo-panel"> line, just remove the panel class.

Then for each panel, remove sad face image: <img src='/images/no_data.svg'> as well as the prtg-sysinfo class value.

The next step is for Paessler to augment this feature to get information from non-windows devices or to allow us to customize the interface.

Getting a Linux PS AUX list will be a fantastic feature.

Created on Jun 2, 2016 11:01:41 AM



How often PRTG does System Information data update?

Created on Jun 7, 2016 8:12:32 PM



Hi Tomasz,

PRTG retrieves system information for each table once every 24 hours and after server restarts. The tables Users, Services, and Processes refresh automatically every time you open the System Information tab. You can also manually update the tables.

See also: PRTG Manual: System Information


Created on Jun 8, 2016 10:22:14 AM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]



PRTG stands for Paessler Router & Traffic Grapher. Seem reasonable to expect cisco & juniper routers & switches to have this feature work. Instead, just the system tab works. Would love to have SNMP inventory built in for both HW & SW.

Created on Jul 26, 2016 3:13:26 PM



Hello wschulze,

Please note that this is the first, basic version of the "System Information" feature. As we do with all features, we will evaluate how you, the customers, use it and which additional functionalities you desire. We collect your feedback, and based on this feedback we can decide about new possibilities and options for "System Information".

So, your feedback is counted!


Created on Jul 27, 2016 4:03:51 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]



Is it possible to disable it? I didn't like the idea of exposing my user accounts there...

Created on Aug 21, 2016 9:42:48 AM




In order to disable system information on all devices, go to the root group settings (On the Root group's overview page, click on the Settings tab to change settings) and disable "System Information" in the section "ADVANCED NETWORK ANALYSIS".

Created on Aug 22, 2016 1:18:06 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com




Is there or you can create any type of report showing me all this information?

Thank you

Created on Oct 28, 2016 8:15:57 AM




PRTG stores system information results in the \System Information Database subdirectory of your PRTG data folder. The files are available in JSON format.

Created on Oct 28, 2016 1:30:06 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com




if the "PRTG retrieves system information for each table once every 24 hours and after server restarts." then how come even on the local probe device I can see something like: "Hardware liegt 6 Tg. 14 Std. 57 Min. zurück", same for the Software TAB and for System. If I click on refresh, it does retrieve new information...

I just would like to have information like Serial numbers etc. of a broken device (which will not be available for SNMP refresh while being broken.. ;)). Best would be to have this also available in Notifications via %placeholders%

KR Lars

Created on Dec 7, 2016 9:58:22 AM



Dear Lars

Notifying based on the System Information, or pulling data from it for notifications is not something we are planning in the foreseeable future. While we see the usefulness, we are having many features on our lists which we consider much more important.

Some data of the system information can be extracted via the API, though this is not documented as many things still can change. An example call looks like


You might want to look into the folder C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\System Information Database.

You find several subfolders, containing files. Despite their file extension, the content is actually a JSON. This could be useful if you want to extract system information data gathered by PRTG.

The file names use the device object ID. You can use the PRTG API to generate a list of devices, showing name and object ID. An example call looks like


Created on Dec 8, 2016 3:48:07 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hi Arne,

thanks for the information. Although you didn't really react to the question, why the data is not being automatically updated every 24 hours..

KR Lars

Created on Dec 20, 2016 11:19:43 AM



Dear Lars

Please check if you disabled the System Information for that branch of the object tree (Settings / Advanced Network Analysis).

Created on Dec 20, 2016 1:24:41 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hello Arne, I've double-checked that System Information is enabled right along the subtree from top to my device and yes: It is! But unforunately the the tab says in the panel "System" "liegt 195 Tg. zurück" (195 days ago). That is what Lars asked for: How to regularily update this panel (or complete tab "System Information")?

Created on Jan 6, 2017 7:00:01 AM



Dear SecPRTG

In this case, please check if you are using the most recent PRTG version. If that one still does not update the system information within the next 24 hours, please contact support@paessler.com.

Created on Jan 6, 2017 12:35:37 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



It'd be great if the information picked up here could be used as part of filters and searches. ie. "Show me all devices that are running Windows Server 2008 R2" for example. Or potentially, have the option of writing that information, abbreviated as tags against those devices.

Created on Mar 24, 2018 12:41:47 AM



Dear mbarrett,

yes, it would be helpful if the system information data could be searched or filtered. However we have to prioritize, as the development currently works on other parts of PRTG. We envision PRTG a traditional network monitor and don't plan to go into the direction of an inventory. As we see more and more usage of the system information feature, we however keep an eye on this and look if and how we can improve it.

Created on Mar 26, 2018 3:12:32 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



I have written a powershell command to pull all the info based on Arne's comment above. Requires the PRTGAPI module.



. Path/To/Get-PRTGDeviceSysInfo.ps1

Get-Help Get-PRTGDeviceSysInfo -detailed

Get-Device "MyDevice" | Get-PRTGDeviceSysInfo -Category Software

Created on Aug 15, 2018 8:28:11 PM



@jgrote I tried your ps script and get an failure that the api is missing. I run the Script directly on the PRTG Server. Is this wrong?

Created on Sep 26, 2018 2:21:52 PM



I dont have snmp enable in some server, is possible fill the tables using customized commands? I mena, I have linux servers, I would like to report there the list of installed packages for example or the list of latest available updates.

Created on May 3, 2019 8:00:12 PM



Dear Tuxprtg,

using custom scripts or protocols is not possible for the System Information tab. PRTG uses SNMP (and for Windows devices, also WMI.)

As of now, additions to the System Information feature are not planned, because the developer currently work on other features which includes new sensor technologies. This is the main focus of PRTG.

Created on May 6, 2019 11:49:19 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



I would like to see us being able to run a report based on the information that is in the System Information tab. I would only need to poll make, model, and serial number. If I was able to do that, that would give a full inventory of all devices monitored by PRTG.

Created on Mar 10, 2020 7:27:59 PM




At this time we do not have anything within PRTG that will do reporting off this information.

However, the information is stored in clear JSON in the following folder on your PRTG server.

C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\System Information Database

Benjamin Day
Paessler Support

Created on Mar 10, 2020 7:46:17 PM by  Benjamin Day [Paessler Support] (1,441) 2 1




I have 2 questoins about this.

  1. I am looking to get reports like Landrin is also looking for. The "static" data of a switch, camera or other stuff with information like: Model, Serial, Firmware, Software, Hardware Version. So any progress on collecting this data into a report?
  2. I also want to add and remove more data collected to the System information database. I have for instance a switch that reports 20+ mac address into system information. This is not important for me to have the mac addresses of each interface or vlan, what it don't report that I want is Gateway, SW/FW/HW versions, vendor, model (today i get "System description, which is to long for me).

This is the information I want under System information for an Cisco CBS350 Switch.

System Name - PRTG
System Location - PRTG
Serial Number - PRTG
Model - OiD - 1.0.8802. 
Model Description - PRTG 
HW REV - OID - 1.0.8802. 
Contact info - PRTG 
MAC Address - PRTG – Remove VLAN / Interfaces / Port groups / Tunnel  / Loopback Addresses 
IP – PRTG – Remove IPAddress / Logical-int 1 IPAddress / 1 / IPAddress / User Defined Port 1 
GW - ? 

SW REV - OID - 1.0.8802. 
FW REV - OID - 1.0.8802. 
VENDOR - OID - 1.0.8802.

Is this something that can be done? :)

Created on Sep 18, 2023 2:06:40 PM

Last change on Sep 19, 2023 8:41:17 AM by  Felix Wiesneth [Paessler Support]




PRTG does not have any reporting capabilities for the system information as of now.

The information is automatically retrieved for the tables System, Hardware, and Software, the tables Users, Services, and Processes refresh each time you open the System Information tab, and since the information is per device, it is not something you can manually edit easily.

Created on Sep 21, 2023 3:06:59 PM by  Mitzi Rodriguez [Paessler support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.