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FeedMonitoring HP P4300 G2 Disk Usage




I'm trying to add sensors for an HP P4300 G2 into PRTG to monitor disk free/disk used. So far I haven't been able to get a sensor that just shows me that. I've tried using the MIB file from HP (filename is 10076-00.20100615.mibs, dowloaded from HP Support page) and am able to import them and get sensors working but none of them I've tried seem to show just a simple "disk free". Any assistance is appreciated.

disk hp p4300

Created on Jan 20, 2016 6:28:21 PM

5 Replies



Hi there,

Try SSH SAN Physical Disk Sensor and SSH Disk Free Sensor.

Kind regards.

Created on Jan 21, 2016 5:07:41 PM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jan 21, 2016 5:09:18 PM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]



I've tried both. When adding the Physical disk sensor, I get a "Timed out while waiting for SAN response" error message and the Disk Free sensor gets Shell Timeout message. I've made sure to set SSH to use the correct port for the device (16022). I can SSH from the PRTG box itself so it's not an access control or routing issue.

Created on Jan 21, 2016 6:08:00 PM



Ok, a few questions:

  • Which version of PRTG are you running?
  • Did you make sure that port 16022 is configured in PRTG for SSH connections? I think you did so already, just want to be sure.
  • Is the device responsive when you SSH from the box or is it responding slowly?
  • How many disks are there currently?

Created on Jan 22, 2016 9:23:22 AM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]



- PRTG Version

- Yes, I set port 16022 for SSH for that device specifically, under the Settings tab

- Yes, I can login to the device from the PRTG box. Responds perfectly.

- There are currently 8 disks

Created on Jan 22, 2016 2:24:33 PM



Try raising Shell Timeout (max. possible value: 60 seconds) and Connection Timeout (max. possible value: 900 seconds; keep it as low as possible though) in the sensor's "Settings" tab. By the way, have you tried sensors SNMP Disk Free Sensor and SNMP Linux Disk Free already?

Kind regards.

Created on Jan 25, 2016 10:05:25 AM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]

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