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FeedIndex change for SNMP Library sensor




we have created sensors based on snmp library sensors. There we read out tables and created sensors. So far so good. Now the indexes change for different values within these tables. And now we have incorrect data because the indexes does not match anymore.

Are there any ways to rediscover these index changes? Is there a way to do this like it is done for the interface traffic sensors where the ifAlias is used for finding index changes as a reference? We would also have a column within the table we could reference on like the ifAlias. There values in this other column do not change.

Greetings Gunnar

index-change library snmp

Created on Feb 2, 2016 10:50:58 AM

3 Replies



This could be done using the SNMP Traffic sensor - however, index changes won't be discovered by other sensor types. You can also change the value the index change discovery is based upon in the SNMP compatability settings within the device.

Created on Feb 3, 2016 1:26:46 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Yes, I know this could be done for Ports for the Traffic Sensor. The SNMP compatibility options are only for interfaces.

But the questionis for the Library Sensor. We imported a custom MIB-table and created sensors from these tables. There the indexes change. Is there a way to identify this index change based on a specific table values?

Created on Feb 3, 2016 2:43:09 PM



Couldn't you use the SNMP Custom Table sensor, using the OID of the table? It will notice the changed indexes and act accordingly.

Created on Feb 4, 2016 2:14:28 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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