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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedGrouping sensors



Will you make it possible to create sensor groups. This will make it easier to pause multiple sensors on a device. It will make it also easier if it's possible to clone a group sensors instead of only 1 sensor. Maybe then it's also possible to apply a sensor group to an prtg device group.

feature group sensors

Created on Feb 6, 2016 11:46:17 AM

2 Replies



Hello clemens,
thank you for your feedback.

There are no plans at the moment to allow you to group distinct sensors within devices, currently if you need to pause multiple sensors at once you can drag/drop or select multiple checkboxes for the desired sensors and then pause them all at once.

Best Regards,

Created on Feb 9, 2016 1:24:39 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



I would also be interested in more organizational options for devices with lots of sensors. For example, when we monitor LACP EtherChannels, we monitor the bandwidth on the virtual EtherChannel interface (Po1, Po2, etc.), the bandwidth on the individual EtherChannel members, and a custom Library sensor that monitors whether an individual physical interface is bundled or not bundled. So for an EtherChannel with 4 physical interfaces, we have 9 sensors (1 virtual EtherChannel interface bandwidth sensors, 4 physical interface bandwidth sensors, and 4 LACP bundle status sensors). It would be much easier, organizationally speaking, if we could make the physical interface bandwidth sensors and the LACP bundle sensors sub-sensors under the virtual EtherChannel interface bandwidth sensor so they are indented under the virtual EtherChannel interface bandwidth sensor and able to be collapsed underneath it.

Created on Jun 22, 2017 4:05:59 PM

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