Hello, i try to figure out the services that needs can be usefull to get n scripted restarted or something like this. For this it would require an list of all error/critical events of all sensors.
The down time summery would not help, because a services that can not be fixed for several days would count as mutch as an services that get into critical state several times a week. So i would need a list of all error events with this duration. To only count events with duration of more then 1 hour. (dont count flappings).
Is it some how possible to access the prtg historic event database? The reports dont work. I allready created a data table report. But viewing this reports dont work, i clicked for more then 10 hours on view and prtg is still trying to build the report.
Where do you store the downtime of an service? Is it something like an rrd database? Wherecan i find those databsasses?
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