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FeedMailsensor send alert incl. Mailbody possible



Hi all

We are using the mailsensors to check if backup jobs were done successfully. Usually the software sends the errormessage in the emailbody to a mailbox and PRTG checks the mailbox.

Now my question: Is it possible to ADD the actual mailbody to the PRTG Notification/Trigger email, so the Admin does not have to logon to the specific mailbox (which prtg checks for errors) to see the error from the software (which sent the email)? Now you dont's see the actual Error in PRTG nor the emailbody or the subject of the email sent to PRTG.

cheers Thomas

mailsensor notification-email notifications

Created on Feb 11, 2016 12:46:31 PM

2 Replies




I am afraid that it is not possible, sorry.

Best regards

Created on Feb 12, 2016 2:46:58 PM by  Isidora Jeremic [Paessler Support]



shame, shame....but ok. Feature request it is!

Gruss Thomas

Created on Feb 12, 2016 3:16:20 PM

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