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FeedCustom script sensor storing value



I have a custom sensor that outputs this:


Just for testing purposes. The script runs fine and the message shows up on the sensor screen, all lights are green.

However when i look at the live data table view the only data being stored is the execution time. The columns for "Value (volume)" and "Value (speed)" all say "0 Kbyte". I'd like to store that number in the volume column.

Any tips on what I need to look for in the sensor settings?


batch-file custom-script-exe prtg

Created on Mar 1, 2016 7:07:36 PM

4 Replies



Dear dreniarb

Do you intent to store the numbers 1, 222, 333 and 444 (four data points in total), or the number 1222333444 as single integer?

Created on Mar 2, 2016 6:30:14 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



One single integer. It's the total file size of specific files in a folder. I've modified my batch file to remove the commas:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=3" %%A in ('dir \\blueirisw8\c$\BlueIris\New\%1*.*^|findstr "File(s)"') do set bytes=%%A
echo volume:%bytes:,=%

I don't know how to add code tags to these posts - sorry.

So "last message" now says:


Instead of:


Everything is still green but nothing in the volume column.

Here's a screenshot of the sensor settings:


And here is the live data screen:


I'm guessing "volume:48399208639" isn't the right output? I've also tried "kbyte:48399208639" but get the same results.

Created on Mar 2, 2016 7:44:19 PM

Last change on Oct 27, 2016 9:23:23 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Dear dreniarb

Please recreate the sensor and use "Integer" (instead of "Counter") as unit type. You should now get a non-zero value channel.

Created on Mar 3, 2016 10:32:19 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

Last change on Mar 3, 2016 11:33:14 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



That worked. Thanks.

Created on Mar 3, 2016 10:39:16 AM

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