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Windows Network Card sensor shows volume/speed of zero?



I'm trying to monitor bandwidth usage of a VPS running Windows Server 2012 R2 using the Windows Network Card sensor. This sensor worked fine on a dedicated server we had in the past, but on the VPS it only measures Packets (volume) and Packets (speed). Total (volume), Total (speed), Traffic In (volume), Traffic In (speed), Traffic Out (volume) and Traffic Out (speed) are all 0 on every single interval check. Any idea why this sensor isn't working properly on the VPS?

bandwidth prtg windows-network-card

Created on Mar 8, 2016 8:33:56 PM

5 Replies



Hello there arjancs,
we appreciate your contact.

When adding the Windows Network Card Sensor please check whenever there are other interfaces available and if you've select the "correct one". I recommend creating a sensor for each interface and then checking which one delivers "correct" data.

Best Regards,

Created on Mar 10, 2016 6:29:58 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



I've already added the Windows Network Card sensor for both available interfaces. Both sensons are showing the same problem.

Created on Mar 10, 2016 6:39:34 PM



thank you for your reply.

Please download our WMI Tester, run it on the PRTG Host (or host of the Remote Probe) and scan against this particular target, please perform the "Network" test from the Advanced tab, you'll also have to provide valid credentials on the "Basic" tab. Please share the result of the test. (Please perform the test at lease twice, this will allow us to confirm whenever any counters are increasing.

Please also see our extensive WMI Troubleshooting Guide:

Created on Mar 10, 2016 8:35:55 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Here are the test results:

0;0;0;"";1000000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection;0;0;0;0;20650424;0;0;0;16451996;16451996;0;0;4198428;4198428;0;0;0;0;0;633471858725;131021220439130000 
0;0;0;"";1000000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection _2;0;0;0;0;6926722;0;0;0;886551;886551;0;0;6040171;6040171;0;0;0;0;0;633471858725;131021220439130000 
1643;1082;2725;"";300000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;6TO4 Adapter;0;0;0;0;35;0;0;0;17;17;0;0;18;18;0;0;0;0;0;633471858725;131021220439130000

0;0;0;"";1000000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection;0;0;0;0;20656885;0;0;0;16457317;16457317;0;0;4199568;4199568;0;0;0;0;0;633633181706;131021220889820000 
0;0;0;"";1000000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection _2;0;0;0;0;6926812;0;0;0;886638;886638;0;0;6040174;6040174;0;0;0;0;0;633633181706;131021220889820000 
1643;1082;2725;"";300000000;"";0;3579545;10000000;6TO4 Adapter;0;0;0;0;35;0;0;0;17;17;0;0;18;18;0;0;0;0;0;633633181706;131021220889820000

Edit: Improved formatting.

Created on Mar 10, 2016 9:22:54 PM

Last change on Mar 11, 2016 8:54:49 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



There are basically the results (with some formatting):

Test 1

Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT [...]000
Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT [...]_2000
isatap.{8DCA0BD4 [...]000
isatap.{68070EF0 [...]000
6TO4 Adapter*164310822725

Test 2

Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT [...]000
Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT [...]_2000
isatap.{8DCA0BD4 [...]000
isatap.{68070EF0 [...]000
6TO4 Adapter*164310822725

As you can see, reported values were exactly the same on both tests, these values are simply reported as 0(other counters like Packets Received or Packets Sent have values) and this is what PRTG reports. Unfortunately we're not able to tell you why this happens, please check with the VPS provider or with the operating system's vendor for further investigation.

Alternatively, please check our WMI troubleshooting guide:

Best Regards,

Created on Mar 11, 2016 9:03:00 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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