I have installed in our company's trial version of PRTG Network Monitor The installation was carried out on a physical server: CPU - 1xQuadCore Intel Xeon E3-1230, 3200 MHz Memory - 8Gb HDD - 4x500Gb WD5003ABYX-01WERA0 RAID10, Cache mode: Write Back. OS - Windows Server 2012R2 After a day of work our Local Probe night goes into Disconect, which is absolutely unacceptable for us. Log analysis that does not give, and we can not understand why this is happening. Enclosed with the page data
DATABASE OBJECTS Probes 1 Groups 35 Devices 207 Sensors 3379 Channels 9169 User Groups 7 Users 11 Notifications 7 Schedules 23 Maps 4 Libraries 7 Reports 8 Requests / Second 14
During operation, the server is almost loaded, CPU - the download of 5-15%, Memory - 40%, Disks - almost not loaded, Network - hardly loaded. Just attach more information about our system:
SENSORS BY PERFORMANCE IMPACT Sensors (Very low impact on system performance) 1x corestate, 8x dns, 201x ping, 1x port, 1x probestate, 2x snmpciscoasavpnconnections, 34x snmpcustom, 8x snmplinuxloadavg, 7x snmplinuxmeminfo, 3x snmpsynologylogicaldisk, 24x snmpsynologyphysicaldisk, 1x snmpsynologysystemhealth, 362x snmptraffic, 1x snmpuptime , 2x sslcertificate, 1x systemstate, 37x vmwaredatastoreextern
Sensors (Low impact on system performance) 8x http, 51x pciisapppool, 3x smtp, 1x snmpciscoasavpntraffic, 44x snmpciscosystemhealth, 11x snmpcpu, 27x snmpdiskfree, 3x snmplinuxdiskfree, 12x snmpmemory, 1x sntp
Sensors (Medium impact on system performance) 13x esxserverhealthsensorextern, 36x httpadvanced, 1x sshdiskfree, 1x sshinodesfree, 1x sshloadavg, 1x sshmeminfo, 130x wmiiis
Sensors (High impact on system performance) 1x file, 6x filecontent, 26x folder, 6x httptransaction, 1x ptfloggedinusers, 1x ptfwindowsversion, 13x wmidiskspace, 10x wmiexchangeserver, 48x wmiexchangetransportqueues, 36x wmihypervvirtualnetworkadapter, 507x wmilogicaldisk, 136x wmimemory, 129x wminetwork, 134x wmipagefile, 108x wmiphysicaldisk, 136x wmiprocessor, 1x wmiremoteping, 898x wmiservice, 14x wmishare, 15x wmisharepointprocess, 2x wmisqlserver2005, 12x wmisqlserver2008, 17x wmisqlserver2012, 1x wmiterminalservices, 1x wmiterminalservices2008, 1x wmiuptime
Sensors (Very high impact on system performance) 13x esxserversensorextern, 4x httpfull, 12x udpsyslog, 1x udptrap, 51x wmieventlog
SENSORS BY INTERVAL Sensors 30 Seconds Interval: 1x ping
Sensors 300 Seconds Interval: 13x esxserversensorextern, 51x wmieventlog, 1x udptrap, 23x folder, 136x wmiprocessor, 136x wmimemory, 134x wmipagefile, 129x wminetwork, 898x wmiservice, 13x wmisqlserver2012, 14x wmishare, 15x wmisharepointprocess, 10x wmiexchangeserver, 48x wmiexchangetransportqueues, 1x wmiterminalservices2008, 1x wmiterminalservices, 108x wmiphysicaldisk, 36x wmihypervvirtualnetworkadapter, 1x ptfwindowsversion, 1x ptfloggedinusers, 12x wmisqlserver2008, 2x wmisqlserver2005, 13x wmidiskspace, 7x wmilogicaldisk, 1x wmiremoteping, 1x wmiuptime, 1x file, 6x filecontent, 130x wmiiis, 13x esxserverhealthsensorextern, 1x httpadvanced, 1x sshloadavg , 1x sshmeminfo, 1x sshinodesfree, 12x snmpmemory, 27x snmpdiskfree, 11x snmpcpu, 3x snmplinuxdiskfree, 51x pciisapppool, 3x smtp, 44x snmpciscosystemhealth, 1x snmpciscoasavpntraffic, 1x systemstate, 1x corestate, 1x probestate, 3x snmpsynologylogicaldisk, 24x snmpsynologyphysicaldisk, 362x snmptraffic, 1x snmpsynologysystemhealth, 4x ping, 8x dns, 37x vmwaredatastoreextern, 7x snmplinuxmeminfo, 8x snmplinuxloadavg, 2x sslcertificate, 34x snmpcustom, 1x port, 2x snmpciscoasavpnconnections, 1x snmpuptime
Sensors 600 Seconds Interval: 1x sshdiskfree, 1x sntp
Sensors 10 Seconds Interval: 4x wmisqlserver2012
Sensors 60 Seconds Interval: 4x httpfull, 12x udpsyslog, 6x httptransaction, 3x folder, 35x httpadvanced, 8x http, 196x ping
Sensors 900 Seconds Interval: 500x wmilogicaldisk
Editing the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Paessler \ PRTG Network Monitor \ Probe \ I did not do, because I do not see the point, because the Local Probe goes into Disconect not after you restart the server, and during its normal operation. If I'm wrong, please correct me. Help me please.
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