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FeedSNMP Trap Receiver: Keep "sticky"



Hallo! I am very new to PRTG and really happy with it!

I've configured the SNMP Trap Receiver and it's working, I can receive Traps from my other server and they show up in the sensor. Also I've configured some filter with "bindings" to check for specific words which trigger the warning or error state.

In this case, the system sending the trap may only sends a message once with "error" and I want the sensor get triggered by this message BUT make it stay in the error state. As there are no more error messages being sent, the sensor jumps back to OK as soon as the next scan is performed.

I could set the scan interval to a long time, by this, the error state would be hold really long. But by this, I would also see the error only after the scan has been done after a long time. So not a very good way.

Is there any way to make the sensor stop scanning after en error was received? Or make the state "sticky" and wait for someone who confirms it? Sure, I've set up notifications which will sent directly when the error is recognized, but I want the sensor being red in the UI and not green even if the error is still valid.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your support!


snmp sticky trap-receiver

Created on Mar 19, 2016 9:21:27 PM

8 Replies

Accepted Answer



Hi Marc,
letting the sensor stay in the status determined by the trap (in this case error) is not possible currently. After the next scan it will go up again.
This functionality is on the wishlist for upcoming releases already but it is not clear yet if or when exactly this feature will be implemented.
Best regards

Created on Mar 21, 2016 1:15:24 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



Hallo Konstantin, Thank you for your answer. Good to hear that I did not miss any current setting and that its on the wish list.

Best wishes, Marc

Created on Mar 21, 2016 10:25:27 PM




after searching your kb I found this post and I'd like to vote for it. I have no idea what the purpose of a "failure" trap is when I cannot see it in the software. I aim for having such information in PRTG and go away from mails being sent for this (your notification I could configure for errors/sec>0). So please take it on your roadmap, would really help a lot. I could imagine it could also make sense to combine it with another feature: a independent sensor that is only set by other events in PRTG. So an notification action for receiving a special trap could be to set this sensor to a certain state, and another special trap could set it back - so it just would be similar to a SNMP-GET, where a sensor goes down when having an error, and coming back to up when having a positive result again.

Br Dominic

Created on Jan 31, 2017 10:27:26 AM



Hi Dominic,

As Konstantin described, we have this feature already on the wishlist. Please understand that the amount of users who want this feature has to be much higher to put it higher on the wishlist. Please also understand that it will take some more time till this feature will be considers to be developed.

Best regards.

Created on Feb 1, 2017 2:37:50 PM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



I want to add my vote for this too, for exact same reasons as above. We want to move away from emails for errors from all our systems, SNMP is sending informative errors from various systems but all PRTG can really do is capture this information, not that useful really. When you use PRTG as dashboard to inform people to act on alert we really need a persistent flashing red sensor.

Created on Jun 1, 2017 10:37:15 AM



I am adding my vote as well. We are a large organization (3rd largest employer in the state) that uses PRTG extensively, and we need this functionality.

Created on Jan 30, 2019 9:08:51 PM



The original post is on 2019 but it doesn't seems like it's implemented yet. I, also, need this functionality. Would greatly appreciate if it can be implemented within this year.

Created on Jan 17, 2020 12:47:52 AM



Hello Ozawa,

Unfortunately, this feature is not yet in development since the number of users requesting it is still to low. As mentioned above, more users need to request this feature for it to get a higher priority.

Created on Jan 17, 2020 11:44:38 AM by  Sasa Ignjatovic [Paessler Support]

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