I successfully get messages from the ITWatchDogs unit as follows... (note I put the MIB file which is available for download under the right-hand menu on the ITWatchDogs unit web interface, into the folder PRTG likes)
4/4/2016 10:14:57 AM 192.168.xx.xx SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = GEIST-MIB-V3::gstTempSensorTempFCLEAR GEIST-MIB-V3::productFriendlyName.0 = ITCloset GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTripType.0 = none (0) GEIST-MIB-V3::temperaturePrecision.0 = degree (0) GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTrigger.0 = High GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmInstance.0 = 5 0 0 162249042 2
4/4/2016 9:53:33 AM 192.168.xx.xx SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = GEIST-MIB-V3::gstTempSensorTempFNOTIFY GEIST-MIB-V3::productFriendlyName.0 = ITCloset GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTripType.0 = high (2) GEIST-MIB-V3::temperaturePrecision.0 = degree (0) GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTrigger.0 = High GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmInstance.0 = 5
However when I add (in the Error filter box) to the sensor config (so it will alert me) it never does alert me. I've tried entering things like...
bindings[GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTripType.0,high (2)] AND GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmInstance.0 = 5
and just...
bindings[GEIST-MIB-V3::alarmTripType.0,high (2)]
How do I make this work?
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