This is a bit of a late reply, but there are a few ways I might do this.
1, Export all the data to SQL, install Reporting Servers (SSRS), or Crystal Reports and get fancy that way. Of course schedule this to export nightly or weekly. Reporting can be done from Excel too if you like doing things manually.
2, Add a custom sensor to report the min/max value for the last full week. The code would look something like this:
$ret = get-prtgSensorData -SensorID 2047 -StartDate "8/march/2016" -EndDate "8/april/2016"
$min = $ret | where {$_.value -ne ""} |select value -last 1
$min = ($ret2 | where {$_.value -ne ""} |select value -last 1).value -replace (" #","")
Then report on these new sensors. This of course does not scale well.
3, Use the Powershell Module (or raw API) to go through all items tagged with "bandwidthsensor", then process as in example 2. I read somewhere they are a limited number of reads per minute when it comes to historical data. I cannot remember if there are guidelines or enforced. This can output raw data, but can be put in a HTML table with a little bit of effort.
Examples 2 and 3 use my Powershell Module here https://thedomainiown.wordpress.com/ But I would suggest SSRS or Crystal Reports.
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