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FeedCustom Report Template for Traffic Sensors (Average, Maximum, Percentile 95th)




I currently have a report that someone here posted on an older question, it returns the average traffic, total traffic, and (optionally) the 95th percentile to all channels (Traffic In, Traffic Out, etc) for a number of SNMP Traffic (64 bit) sensors. I need to add (if possible) another column with the Maximum Traffic, but still keep the rows to each channel of every sensor.

I tried to modify the template but I haven't been able to the maximum value in the same template.

The output for each sensor looks like the one on this link: http://s9.postimg.org/eat2vbaan/Report_Output_Sample.png

Here's the report templates:

Main template (/webroot/reporttemplates):

<!--Data Table Only: Data Table (5 min interval) – Custom Percentil 95 -->

<#include file="includes\reportheader.htm">

<h1><b><#objectproperty name="name"></b> (<#report type="startdate"> - <#report type="enddate"> <#report type="reporthours">)</h1>
<#report type="list" name="details\Table Custom Data Percentil 95.htm" subname="details\Detail Loop.htm" graphaverage="300" tableaverage="300">


Detail templates (/webroot/reporttemplates/details):

1) (Detail Loop)

<!-- Template Detail Loop.htm-->
<tr class="subtitle" style="<#clusterdependent showfor='clusterinstallation'>">
	<td class="title"><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.clusternode" default="Cluster Node">:</td>
	<td colspan="6"><b><#cluster type="name" clgid="<@clgid>"></b></td>
<tr class=even>
	<td class="title"><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.uptimestats" default="Uptime Stats">:</td>
	<td><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.up" default="Up">:</td><td class="rightalign"><#report type="uptimeper" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td><td> <span class="percent">[<#report type="uptime" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>">]</span> </td>
	<td><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.down" default="Down">:</td><td class="rightalign"><#report type="downtimeper" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td><td> <span class="percent">[<#report type="downtime" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>">]</span> </td>
<tr class=odd>
	<td class="title"><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.requeststats" default="Request Stats">:</td>
	<td><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.good" default="Good">: </td><td class="rightalign"><#report type="goodreqper" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td><td><span class="percent">[<#report type="goodreq" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>">]</span> </td>
      	<td><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.failed" default="Failed">: </td><td class="rightalign"><#report type="failedreqper" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td><td  width="40%"><span class="percent">[<#report type="failedreq" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>">]</span> </td>
<tr class=even>
	<td class="title"><#report type="avgvaluelabel" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td>
	<td colspan=6><#report type="avgvalue" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td>
<tr class=odd>
	<td class="title"><#report type="sumvaluelabel" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td>
	<td colspan=6><#report type="sumvalue" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td>

2) (Custom)

<div class="onereport report<@counter>">	

<h2> <#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="name"> </h2>

<#report  type="averagetable" repnodeid="<@subid>" repsensid="<@objectid>"  avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>">

My guess is I have to find the keyword for maximum traffic and throw in some code in the detail loop file like:

<td colspan=6><#report type="" objectid="<@objectid>" avg="<@tableaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" clgid="<@clgid>"></td>

So far nothing I've tried worked. Any ideas on this and what keywords should I use, or even if it's actually possible?

Thanks in advance!

channels custom maximum reports sensor traffic

Created on Apr 12, 2016 5:35:08 PM

Last change on Apr 13, 2016 7:03:25 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



I'm afraid what you want to do is not possible at all. The table shown has no parameters which would allow to configure the rows which are shown. Sorry.
Best regards

Created on Apr 14, 2016 2:03:21 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]

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