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http sensor: how to get regex from a string response



I need to get a numeric value from http get.

Websense makes available a status code from this url: http://<WCG IP address>:8083/health.load Load=2253 Conns=5150 Mbps=6.42 ..how can I get above numeric values with a regex expression and to keep them monitored?

many thanks, Gianluca

get http regex

Created on May 9, 2016 8:17:15 PM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer




I used a Windows Shell script (saved in PRTG custom sensor folder) for downloading the HTTP-Content to local disc and then searched for trigger words to extract the following values and returned them as XML channel. This way you can use the xmlexe-sensor, so you get each of your values back as individual channels.

Here is my vbs (provided "as is" without warrenty and so on, of course):

Option Explicit
Dim wshshell
Dim source, target, text, value, name, output, entry, entries
Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
target = "C:\PRTGScripts\PRTG_custom_http.html"

source = "http://yoursourceurl"

text = DownloadHTTP(source, target)
entries = split (text, " ")
output = ""
output = output & "<prtg>" & vbcrlf
for each entry in entries
	'here to do some code dividing the channel name and value
	name = mid(text, 1, 5)
	value = mid(text, 5, 4)
	output = output & "  <result>" & vbcrlf
	output = output & "    <channel>" & name & "</channel>" & vbcrlf
	output = output & "    <float>1</float>" & vbcrlf
	output = output & "    <unit></unit>" & vbcrlf
	output = output & "    <value>" & value & "</value>" & vbcrlf
	output = output & "  </result>" & vbcrlf
	'wscript.echo entry
output = output & "</prtg>"  & vbcrlf

wscript.echo output

function DownloadHTTP(source, target)
	Dim HTTP, fs, datei, x, binary, file
	Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest")
	If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
	If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
	Set fs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	'for using proxy, if nessesary
	http.SetProxy 2, "yourproxyurl:8080"
	HTTP.open "GET", source, False
	datei = HTTP.responseBody
	For x = 0 to UBound(datei)
		binary = binary & ChrW(AscW(Chr(AscB(MidB(datei,x+1,1)))))
	Set file = fs.CreateTextFile(target, True)
	file.Write binary
	'DownloadHTTP = HTTP.StatusText
	DownloadHTTP = binary
End function

Created on May 10, 2016 11:18:14 AM

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