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Run Powershell script remotely but not Exchange server




It seems complicated to find how to create a PSSession to a remote server which is not an Exchange server.

This works only for an Exchange server:

$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://[exchangeServer]/powershell/" -Authentication Kerberos
Import-PSSession $session -DisableNameChecking

I usually create sessions to our servers with

"test" > "C:\temp\test.txt"

$session = New-PSSession -computerName $computername -Authentication Kerberos 
Invoke-Command -computerName $computername -scriptBlock $scriptBlock

But the code above does not work with PRTG. I receive an error code: PE231 and code: PE233!

Please help us to find a way to create a remote session with powershell to a server which is not an Exchange server.

powershell pssession remote

Created on Jun 1, 2016 8:08:50 AM

Last change on Jun 1, 2016 12:00:26 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



Hi Thanks for your reply. Acutally I just got it working. Sorry I'm noob with PRTG.

My code:

$computerName = "serverName" # for me it does not work with IP

$session = New-PSSession -computerName $computername -Authentication Kerberos #-credential $credential 

$scriptBlock = {
    import-module failoverclusters
    $clusterRessources = Get-ClusterResource

    $result= "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"Windows-1252`" ?>`r`n"

    $clusterRessources | % {
        $name = $_.name
        $state = $_.state
        if($state -eq "Online"){$state = 1} else{$state = 0}

        $result+="   <result>`r`n"   
        $result+="       <channel>$name</channel>`r`n"
        $result+="       <value>$state</value>`r`n"
        $result+="   </result>`r`n"


Invoke-Command -computerName $computername -scriptBlock $scriptBlock
Remove-PSSession -computerName $computername
Exit 0

and the output

        <channel>Cluster IP Address</channel>
        <channel>Cluster Name</channel>
        <channel>IP Address</channel>
        <channel>Quorum Broker RDS</channel>
        <channel>Remote Desktop Connection Broker</channel>

Created on Jun 2, 2016 2:58:41 PM

5 Replies



Hi Yann,

We will require the results of this custom script. Therefore, kindly enable the "Write EXE result to disk" option in the settings of the "exe / Script Sensor and post the results. You can also create a command in your script to write the results in a text file.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Jun 2, 2016 1:21:07 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

Accepted Answer



Hi Thanks for your reply. Acutally I just got it working. Sorry I'm noob with PRTG.

My code:

$computerName = "serverName" # for me it does not work with IP

$session = New-PSSession -computerName $computername -Authentication Kerberos #-credential $credential 

$scriptBlock = {
    import-module failoverclusters
    $clusterRessources = Get-ClusterResource

    $result= "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"Windows-1252`" ?>`r`n"

    $clusterRessources | % {
        $name = $_.name
        $state = $_.state
        if($state -eq "Online"){$state = 1} else{$state = 0}

        $result+="   <result>`r`n"   
        $result+="       <channel>$name</channel>`r`n"
        $result+="       <value>$state</value>`r`n"
        $result+="   </result>`r`n"


Invoke-Command -computerName $computername -scriptBlock $scriptBlock
Remove-PSSession -computerName $computername
Exit 0

and the output

        <channel>Cluster IP Address</channel>
        <channel>Cluster Name</channel>
        <channel>IP Address</channel>
        <channel>Quorum Broker RDS</channel>
        <channel>Remote Desktop Connection Broker</channel>

Created on Jun 2, 2016 2:58:41 PM



Thanks for sharing, so everything is up and running correctly?

Created on Jun 3, 2016 3:35:11 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



For reference, there are a few tips and tricks here https://thedomainiown.wordpress.com/prtg-related/general-custom-exe-script/ (see the remoting section)

Created on Jun 5, 2016 12:41:26 PM



Yes everything is up and running.

Thank you

Created on Jun 6, 2016 6:37:22 AM

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