I'm trying to have PsExec run as an executable to re-start a a process on a remote computer when the monitored process has gone down. But I get an EXE timeout error in the PRTG log.
This is what I have in my parameter - I am wondering: Does the \\ (double backslash) in front of the %device variable have any impact that would cause it to not run properly?
\\%device -u domain\myaccount -p mypassword -d -i 0 "C:\Program Files\My Program\My_App.exe"
So normally from a command prompt I can successfully run:
PsExec.exe \\remotepc -u domain\myaccount -p mypassword -d -i 0 "C:\Program Files\My Program\My_App.exe"
But when I try to launch from PRTG it does not appear to be successful.
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