Hello master Linke
You are right, that setting does exaclty what we asked for.
Define if PRTG should send you notifications that were triggered during the Paused status
later on, when the notification function is in Started status again.
No : Discard all notifications that are triggered while the notification is paused.
Yes : Collect all notifications that are triggered while the notification is paused.
Send out all these notifications once the Paused status ends.
Problem with this scenario:
We observe the internet connectivity of 40 locations. During night, there is maintenance work done by the ISP on 5 locations. 4 of them come back online bevore 06:00 oclock in the morning. We dont care for those locations during night and so its fine that we dont get notification. But if somone complains about high RTT, we are still able to check what happened during the night. Great so far. But one location is still offline at 06:00 o'clock. We dont get any notification for that is assume... Is there a solution for that as well?
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