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FeedUnable to monitor jvm using its native SNMP interface



I want to monitor my JVM details and there fore i am using native SNMP interface. I try to follow instruction which appear in your knowledge base.


I download the MIB file and convert it to OID library using MIB importer.Then i copy the library to snmplibs folder and try to create a SNMP library sensor. In that process i am getting this error "No such object (SNMP error # 222)"

i downloaded your snmp tester tool and select "Read device uptime" and run test but results became as "NO response" for all snmp versions.when i give the created oidlib path to the "scan OIDLIB" option under "select request type" it gave me this result, "No OIDs found"

I am using windows XP operating system. What should i do to overcome these difficulties?Any help will be great.

jvm prtg snmp-sensor

Created on Jul 4, 2016 10:19:32 AM

11 Replies



Dear thiwankabsharp

I am sorry, Windows XP is no longer supported. You still can try to use the SNMP Tester to perform a Walk over to see if you can read any OID, but we no longer offer any PRTG support for the Windows XP platform.

Created on Jul 5, 2016 11:54:16 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Thanks for the reply. i switched to the windows 10 did the same thing as above. This time "Read device uptime" worked fine. But when i give the created oidlib path to the "scan OIDLIB" option under "select request type" it gave me the sameresult, "No OIDs found" and same error "No such object (SNMP error # 222)" came when i tried to create the snmp library sensor.

I walk over but result came as NO Response. What should i do?

Created on Jul 5, 2016 12:33:48 PM



Dear thiwankabsharp

Please try to manually read this OID:

Are you getting a result?

Created on Jul 5, 2016 3:15:07 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



i am new to this. So manually reading means without using the snmp tester?

Created on Jul 7, 2016 11:49:33 AM



Dear thiwankabsharp

I mean to use the SNMP Tester. There is an option to read an OID. Please enter that OID and try to read it.

Created on Jul 7, 2016 1:36:47 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



I did that and results cam like this.

Paessler SNMP Tester 5.2.3 Computername: DESKTOP-4OHEF27 Interface: ( 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (1 ms) : Device: 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (2 ms) : SNMP V2c 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (2 ms) : Custom OID 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (4 ms) : SNMP Datatype: ASN_TIMETICKS 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (5 ms) : ------- 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (6 ms) : Value: 26173070 7/7/2016 9:59:08 PM (7 ms) : Done

what should i do?

Created on Jul 8, 2016 4:03:05 AM



Dear thiwankabsharp

This shows, that the uptime is readable. "Read device uptime" via the SNMP tester should work as well. Please check if that is possible, and/or check in PRTG if you entered wrong credentials. Please also check the device address in the PRTG device object on which you attached the sensor to.

Created on Jul 8, 2016 8:45:49 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



yes device uptime is working fine. but when i give a custom oid like it give a result like this

----------------------- New Test -----------------------
Paessler SNMP Tester 5.2.3 Computername: DESKTOP-4OHEF27 Interface: (
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (2 ms) : Device:
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (2 ms) : SNMP V2c
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (3 ms) : Custom OID
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (4 ms) : SNMP Datatype: SNMP_EXCEPTION_NOSUCHOBJECT
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (5 ms) : -------
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (6 ms) : Value: No such object (SNMP error # 222)
7/11/2016 12:38:08 AM (7 ms) : Done

Created on Jul 10, 2016 7:10:14 PM

Last change on Jul 11, 2016 8:13:17 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Dear thiwankabsharp

Please check if you enabled the SNMP agent of the JVM.

Created on Jul 11, 2016 8:15:56 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



i follow this link http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/management/snmp.html

in that, they have given path like this JRE_HOME/lib/management/snmp.acl.template

in that path is "JRE_HOME" refers to C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 ? (this path is my JRE_HOME path variable)

or does it refer to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\jre ? can anyone help?

Created on Jul 11, 2016 10:38:20 AM



That's for the linux version. They describe the Windows based installation here as well.

Created on Jul 11, 2016 10:58:11 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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