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FeedWhat Process and Protocol is used to login an AD integrated user



We are investigating exactly how an AD user is authenticated to the PRTG portal.

We know that a User Group has to be created wit AD integration with the user in the Security Group.

What we don't know is how does PRTG accept the authentication request and validate the user, furthermore what does PRTG do if its a new user or if the user's password has been changed.

Additionally we assume the password is cached encrypted, is that assumption correct.

ad integration passwords

Created on Aug 5, 2016 2:57:14 PM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Dear Josh,

PRTG will validate the credentials against your Active Directory server using LDAP requests. The PRTG server will cash the credentials for one hour, then a new validation is required. This procedure is encrypted.

This cash is stored in the memory of the PRTG Core Server and will not be written to disk.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Aug 8, 2016 1:14:27 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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