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PRTG IPMI sensor not coping with password change



Connected the PRTG IPMI sensor to 4x Supermicro IPMI nodes with default ADMIN/ADMIN password no probs.

Then after changing each password the IPMI sensor in PRTG wouldn't take the new password properly. Of course, I confirmed that I could login to each node with the new password.

Even removing/re-adding the IPMI sensors didn't help. It just kept giving error 221 for wrong username/password.

Then when creating a new testuser in the IPMI with that same new password, the IPMI sensor was able to login fine.

So to me, it seems like the IPMI sensor is wrongly caching the password until the username changes.

  • shrugs*


ipmi login password-is-incorrect prtg

Created on Aug 16, 2016 7:40:09 AM

3 Replies



And when you then change it back to ADMIN/new-super-safe-password, it works as well?

Created on Aug 16, 2016 11:20:46 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Ahh yes, good idea.

Unfortunately no, the ADMIN account still doesn't work, whether I edit an existing ipmi sensor (that was working with the new user account) or try to add a new sensor.

Created on Aug 17, 2016 12:07:38 AM



Then this contradicts the caching assumption. If it works with a different user, I wouldn't bother getting the administrator to work at any cost :)

Created on Aug 17, 2016 4:35:02 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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