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FeedDetermine the uplink port on a switch



Is it possible to somehow mark the sensor for the interface with the highest traffic on a network device?

bandwidth network snmptraffic

Created on Aug 26, 2016 10:34:16 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

1 Reply



This can be done with the following script:

[string]$prtgHostName       = ""
[string]$prtgProtocol       = "http"
    [int]$prtgPort          = 80
[string]$prtgUserName       = 'prtgadmin'
[string]$prtgPasshash       = 12345678
[string]$uplink_tag         = "UPLINK - "

$retrieve_url = "{0}://{1}:{2}/api/table.json?content=sensors&output=json&columns=objid,device,parentid,sensor,status,lastvalue_,priority,favorite&filter_tags=@tag(bandwidthsensor)&username={3}&passhash={4}"
$get_sensors  = "{0}://{1}:{2}/api/table.json?content=sensors&output=json&columns=objid,sensor&id={3}&username={4}&passhash={5}"
$rename_url   = "{0}://{1}:{2}/api/setobjectproperty.htm?id={3}&name=name&value={4}&username={5}&passhash={6}"

# this will output debug messages to the console
function Console-ShowMessage([string]$type,$message){
        Write-Host ("[{0}] " -f (Get-Date)) -NoNewline;
        switch ($type){
            "success"       { Write-Host "    success    "  -BackgroundColor Green      -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; }
            "information"   { Write-Host "  information  "  -BackgroundColor DarkCyan   -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; }
            "warning"       { Write-Host "    warning    "  -BackgroundColor DarkYellow -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; }
            "error"         { Write-Host "     error     "  -BackgroundColor DarkRed    -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; }
            default         { Write-Host "     notes     "  -BackgroundColor DarkGray   -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; }
        Write-Host (" {0}{1}" -f $message,$Global:blank)


$response = (Invoke-WebRequest ([string]::Format($retrieve_url,$prtgProtocol,$prtgHostName,$prtgPort,$prtgUserName,$prtgPasshash)));
$result = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json)
$sensors = $result.sensors

## remove uplink tag first

    Console-ShowMessage -type "information" -message "Removing '$($uplink_tag)' from all traffic sensors"
foreach($sensor in $sensors){

    $sensor_name = ($sensor.sensor -replace $uplink_tag,"")
    Invoke-WebRequest ([string]::Format($rename_url,$prtgProtocol,$prtgHostName,$prtgPort,$sensor.objid,$sensor_name,$prtgUserName,$prtgPasshash)) -UseBasicParsing | out-null

$fastest = $sensors | Group Device  | Foreach { $_.Group | Sort lastvalue_raw -Descending | Select -First 1 }

Console-ShowMessage -type "information" -message "$($Sensors.Count) traffic sensors found."

foreach($sensor in $fastest){ 

    Console-ShowMessage -type "information" -message "Highest traffic for $($sensor.device): $($sensor.sensor)"
    # get sensor count
    $sensor_count =  ((Invoke-WebRequest([string]::Format($get_sensors,$prtgProtocol,$prtgHostName,$prtgPort,$sensor.parentid,$prtgUserName,$prtgPasshash))));
    $sensor_count = ($sensor_count.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).sensors.Count

    # rename sensors accordingly
    $new_sensorname = [string]::Format("{0}{1}",$uplink_tag, $sensor.sensor)
    Console-ShowMessage -type "information" -message "Sensor $($sensor.objid) is being marked with '$($uplink_tag)'"
    Invoke-WebRequest ([string]::Format($rename_url,$prtgProtocol,$prtgHostName,$prtgPort,$sensor.objid,$new_sensorname,$prtgUserName,$prtgPasshash)) | out-null

Enter your credentials and PRTG host data. The script will automatically retrieve all traffic sensors from PRTG for all devices and tag them accordingly. The one with the highest traffic is considered the uplink port. The script will output which sensors have been edited.

note the script is provided as is, use it at your own risk. Make a configuration backup to stay safe. note the script won't work with a untrusted SSL certificate installed

Created on Aug 26, 2016 10:38:18 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Last change on Aug 26, 2016 10:39:20 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.