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NetFlow - IPFIX - Shows Traffic but Wrong



I am having issues with NetFlow using IPFIX. I can see that I am capturing traffic in the Toplists, which I think is accurate, but the current traffic is showing extremely low volume compared to what I know it is and what is reflected in the Toplists (120Kb/s instead of 200Mb/s).

I am getting the error: "Flow processor buffer full (code: PE110)" The error advises: "The flow processor has dropped flows. Try optimizing your include, exclude and filter rules (Most likely matches first, use brackets to structure the rule, use ip ranges and masks instead of separate IPs) (code: PE111)"

I really don't want to limit any traffic as this is my MPLS router from my corporate office my data center.

ipfix netflow pe110 pe111

Created on Sep 2, 2016 2:43:29 PM

1 Reply



Created on Sep 5, 2016 12:56:39 PM by  Erhard Mikulik [Paessler Support]

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