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FeedMonitor Java Application with PRTG



Dear PRTG Team,

Im still nubie.

Can PRTG monitor Java Application(.jar) and if yes how to setup this using PRTG.

note : java apps wrapped by tanuki wrapper.


application java monitoring prtg

Created on Sep 13, 2016 10:27:28 AM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer




You can use the JMXMiniProbe to moitor a JVM application "remotely"... The "JMXProbe.war" It is designed to be loaded into an Application server's context. It can then monitor the "local" JVM directly or any JVM remotely via RMI. For more details please see: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jmx/remote/jconsole.html (The JMXMiniProbe uses the same method to connect to the JVM to be monitored)

As far as the error you are getting.... It looks like you are missing some of the libraries. They are all in the WAR that is part of the distribution. If you are running it on the command-line, please unzip the WAR and run it using one of the scripts in the ".\bin" directory


Created on Sep 14, 2016 1:24:50 PM by  JR Andreassen [Paessler Support] (220) 3 1

6 Replies



Dear mnusyirwan

PRTG has no build-in sensor for this. As PRTG offers a few interfaces to run custom scripts as sensors, you might be able to create a custom sensor to monitor your Java applications.

Created on Sep 13, 2016 11:50:45 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Dear PRTG Team,


I read "The JMX Mini Probe for Java Applications" I want to using it to my app but i still get an error when i run ""JMXMiniProbe.bat" like :

> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/CommandLineParser

Im using Windows Server 2008 r2


Created on Sep 14, 2016 3:27:50 AM

Accepted Answer




You can use the JMXMiniProbe to moitor a JVM application "remotely"... The "JMXProbe.war" It is designed to be loaded into an Application server's context. It can then monitor the "local" JVM directly or any JVM remotely via RMI. For more details please see: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jmx/remote/jconsole.html (The JMXMiniProbe uses the same method to connect to the JVM to be monitored)

As far as the error you are getting.... It looks like you are missing some of the libraries. They are all in the WAR that is part of the distribution. If you are running it on the command-line, please unzip the WAR and run it using one of the scripts in the ".\bin" directory


Created on Sep 14, 2016 1:24:50 PM by  JR Andreassen [Paessler Support] (220) 3 1



Wow Super........ Two Thumb Up


Created on Sep 16, 2016 7:40:28 AM



there is nothing in the ./bin directory that could be run, i have downloaded the entire JMXminiprobe package , iam getting the sae error, kindly assist

Created on Apr 18, 2018 12:33:27 PM



Hi Sved,

The batch-files/shell-scripts are in the project root directory. "JMXMiniProbe*.*" Please run them from there.
The batch/shell scripts get generated by the build process, so either download the release package or build from source.
There are several variations,
Direct run.
Run from WAR

Created on Apr 18, 2018 12:59:54 PM by  JR Andreassen (10) 2

Last change on Apr 26, 2018 12:44:05 PM by  JR Andreassen [Paessler Support] (220) 3 1

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