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FeedRefresh rate not changing



If I go into account settings and change the refresh rate from 60 seconds to a lower number, it does not change on hte refreshing page countdown. If i go back into acccount settings it saves the change but does not change the live setting.

Also I have to the account settings to never allow popups when events are posted and it ignores that rule as well as i constintly get pop ups for events. Please Help?

popups prtg refresh-rate

Created on Jul 24, 2010 3:21:25 AM

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



To change the refresh rate of the Windows GUI you need to define the respective value in the "Update Interval (s)" field under the File -> Options & Server Settings -> System menu option of the Windows GUI.

Created on Jul 28, 2010 8:23:08 AM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3

6 Replies




just to check, you are referring to the Webinterface of PRTG Network Monitor 7? Which version of PRTG are you running?

Can you please try to logout and login (to the webinterface, not just only closing the browser)? Is the new refresh interval then correctly applied (as well the popups)?

Best Regards.

Created on Jul 26, 2010 1:51:14 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



I am talking about the Network Monitor GUI for windows

Created on Jul 26, 2010 7:58:10 PM



Which version of PRTG are you running? If you close the WinGUI (really exiting, also close the tray tool) and restart it do the settings then take effect?

Created on Jul 27, 2010 4:33:13 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



I am using version GUI V7.3.5.581 | I exited all PRTG and even stop and restarted services. My refresh rate is still at 60 seconds and I still get popups, however I thought I should tell you that the settings do take affect on the web interface just not the GUI.

Any way to get the GUI to follow these settings?

Created on Jul 28, 2010 1:32:23 AM

Accepted Answer



To change the refresh rate of the Windows GUI you need to define the respective value in the "Update Interval (s)" field under the File -> Options & Server Settings -> System menu option of the Windows GUI.

Created on Jul 28, 2010 8:23:08 AM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3



Hi -

That works for the GUI, exactly what I was looking for, -thx!

Created on Jul 28, 2010 1:00:45 PM

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