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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedHow can I monitor or create custom sensors to monitor the inter working of the Tape library and SAN?



I have been looking for a way to Monitor our Backup system (VEEAM & Infortrend) and (Backup Exec & Tape Library), the only means I came across is creating an IMAP Sensor to monitor the contents or email subject of the Backup Admininitrator's mailbox to look for words like BACKUP SUCCESSFULL or BACKUP FAILED and PRTG will report a warning based on backup failure or report a green 'UP' based on backup success, unfortunately the backup admin recives numerous mails on that account and deletes them in thier numbers in other to free the mailbox. What would happen when the mail box is empty and PRTG sees nothing to read it?

Secondly, I need to monitor the internal working of the Backup Hardware for PRTG to actually report the status of backups even if it can be actualized with custom sensors, I need the progress indication of every backup, how many VMs where successfully backed up.... can't any PRTG Sensor captures the Tape Library or the SAN and reports both the status and availabity of the Virtual DISK and the Individual disk?

backup san tape-library-

Created on Dec 8, 2016 2:03:15 PM

4 Replies



It always depends on the appliance itself. Do you already have MIB files from the vendor or the documentation of the appliance that you could import via our MIB Importer?

Please check if the vendor of your device offers any MIB files that you can import with our MIB-Importer. If so, you can monitor the target with the SNMP Library Sensor.

Here's a Knowledge Base Article that describes the setup of "SNMP Library Sensors and there's also a video that shows how to. Details about Veaam Backup Monitoring can be found here:

Monitoring Veeam Backup & Replication using Veeam Enterprise Manager

P.S.: I've removed the other two threads you created since they're basically the same like this one ;)

Created on Dec 9, 2016 11:19:22 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Hello Stephan,

Thanks for the giudelines...will try it and will keep you posted,as for the MIBs, will download from the vendor's site.

Created on Dec 9, 2016 2:08:51 PM



Thank you Stephan, PLSEASE kindly advice me on what are the Likely Parameters am I likely to capture from the Backup system internal working like the Number of Tapes and thier status bieng reprented by PRTG? or will PRTG report bthe Status of SAN system, VirtualDisk/Logical disk, can PRTG Monitor a HDD failure on Storage System, what of virtual machine backups using Veeam? what are the possible parameters PRTG can monitor and report on the backup system?

Best Regards.

Frank O.

Created on Dec 10, 2016 11:13:24 AM



It all depends on the metrics exposed by the system :/ Using SNMP Library sensors, you usually get a ton of metrics. You could also try out the integrated SSH SAN sensors to see if they work :)

Created on Dec 12, 2016 5:38:56 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.