I have added new snmp library to PRTG provided by the device vendor. but there is a problem in readings for a specific sensor which contains some kind of lookup table, for example if the returned sample is 24 then PRTG must display '32APSK34" and if it is 7 then PRTG display "16APSK23" and so on ....
Everything is OK in "live graph" section and all reading match with the actual value, BUT The reading from "24 hours graph" is strange and doesn't match with the actual value. the below example will clarify my point:
in live graph I have these values: "32APSK34", "16APSK23", "64APSK56" ..... in 24 hours I have these values "429,496,830", "477,218,700" ... or all values become "0" which doesn't make sense.
please advise about the reason and possible solution to this problem which is very critical for our system.
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