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PRTG Network Monitor

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can PRTG be deployed on two different locations (networks) to access the same sensor at same time? Thanks.

deployment prtg two-servers

Created on Jan 4, 2017 8:14:05 AM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



Hi Arayes,

There are two ways to monitor the exact same values from two different locations:

  • PRTG is designed to not only monitor single locations, but to also monitor multiple sites. This can be achieved with so called Remote Probes. A Remote Probe is a Windows Application, which sends out monitoring requests regardless if it is located in the local network of the Core Server, or in the network of a branch office. The Remote Probes will gather data and forward the results to the Core Server via the TCP Port 23560. This connection is encrypted with TLS 1.2.

This allows you to manage multiple locations within one interface.

For more detailed information, please follow these links:
- https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/remote_probes_and_multiple_probes
- https://www.paessler.com/support/videos/prtg-basics/distributed_monitoring

  • The second option will be the cluster feature of PRTG. The "Cluster Probe" is created by setting up a cluster. A cluster contains two nodes, the master and the fail over node. The fail over server will take over the notifications as soon as the master server fails.

The "Cluster Probe Device" represents the machine running the fail over server, sensors created on this device will only monitor the fail over machine itself. You can now add a new group below the cluster probe with the IP addresses of other devices in your network. You might also want to use the auto-discovery for this after creating a new group. All objects will then be monitored from two perspectives, the master server as well as the fail over server.

You can find more details for the cluster configuration on this page:
- https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/failover_cluster_configuration

Best regards, Felix

Created on Jan 4, 2017 9:50:48 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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