New users of PRTG, I recently setup some imap sensor, currently there are 14 of them, which are all using the same adress and monitoring different mail. This adress is a google for business (gsuite) account.
All was working well on my own laptop which was shutdown every night. I decided to move all of my installation and configuration on an always on virtual machine to keep monitoring up all the time. And that worked fine.
Except sometimes my IMAP sensor all start to turn red and return this message : "Server has gracefully disconnected you, possibly because the connection was idle for too long.". It goes on for a few hour, while other sensor like some SNMP devices are still working, then it returns to normal without me doing nothing. When that happens, I can access the mail without problem using the web interface, didn't try using another imap client like outlook ...
Any idea on what is causing that ? Is there some kind of imap connection limitation by google, or is there a problem in the way prtg handle the connexion ?
Thanks in advance.
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