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FeedSensor Microsoft SQL v2 return error: [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind




i have problem with created Microsoft SQL v2 sensor. Sensor return error: Id 3: "" [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind that any date or time formats need to use the "EN-US" format. More info from log file:

27.02.17 16:06:49: Execution Time: return 31.2499 [Double]
27.02.17 16:06:49: Query Execution Time: return 0 [Double]
27.02.17 16:06:49: Affected Rows: return 5 [Int64]
27.02.17 16:06:49: Id 3: String found(""). Trying to parse as Int64, Double, TimeSpan or DateTime. 
27.02.17 16:06:49: Id 3: "" [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind that any date or time formats need to use the "EN-US" format.


microsoft prtg sqlsensor

Created on Feb 27, 2017 3:31:35 PM

Last change on Jul 27, 2018 12:59:47 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

16 Replies



Hi there,

Please make sure that the query always returns a valid value. In your case it returns nothing, therefore PRTG can't parse the value.

Best regards.

Created on Feb 28, 2017 9:41:56 AM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]



Hi Dariusz,

here is full log where are renamed information about my DB. From this log is visible that was received data from 2 Columns and 5 Rows

27.02.17 16:33:40: Impersonating 'aaa\bbb'
27.02.17 16:33:40: Connections String: Data Source=xxx\yyy,1437;Initial Catalog=nnn;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=60
27.02.17 16:33:40: Opening Connection to MSSQL Server 'xxx\yyy'
27.02.17 16:33:40: Running Command 'SELECT 	 	hhh, 	bbb 	FROM ccc WHERE 	eee  > dateadd(hh,-3,getdate()) AND 	fff  < getdate()  ORDER BY fff DESC'
27.02.17 16:33:40: Received Data Table with 2 Columns and 5 Rows
27.02.17 16:33:40: Closing Connection to MSSQL Server 'xxx\yyy'
27.02.17 16:33:40: Execution Time: return 62.5054 [Double]
27.02.17 16:33:40: Query Execution Time: return 0 [Double]
27.02.17 16:33:40: Affected Rows: return 5 [Int64]
27.02.17 16:33:40: Id 3: String found(""). Trying to parse as Int64, Double, TimeSpan or DateTime. 
27.02.17 16:33:40: Id 3: "" [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind that any date or time formats need to use the "EN-US" format.

Best regards


Created on Feb 28, 2017 10:42:18 AM

Last change on Feb 28, 2017 10:45:37 AM by  Sven Roggenhofer [Paessler Technical Support]



What actual PRTG version are you running? Could you post the settings of the sensor (How to embed pictures)?

Created on Feb 28, 2017 12:01:57 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Version is PRTG Network Monitor

Created on Feb 28, 2017 2:27:18 PM

Last change on Feb 28, 2017 2:48:27 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Could you run the following EXE, add all parameters including the query: C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Sensor System\SQLv2.exe ...and post the results?

Created on Mar 1, 2017 9:10:34 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Do you mean run follow: C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Sensor System\SQLv2.exe xxx.sql >>C:\temp\output.txt ?

Created on Mar 1, 2017 2:32:01 PM



No, simply double-click it, a gui will open and you can fill in the data :)

Created on Mar 1, 2017 3:12:35 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



This is result. title_ad is row name in table. Other in result names was changed (it are not public data).

01.03.17 16:57:37: Impersonating 'vvv\uuu' 01.03.17 16:57:37: Connections String: Data Source='xxx\yyy';Initial Catalog=ttt;Integrated Security=True 01.03.17 16:57:37: Opening Connection to MSSQL Server 'xxx\yyy' 01.03.17 16:57:37: Running Command 'SELECT

xxx._name, yyy_log.errors FROM yyy_log WHERE yyy.begin_datetime > dateadd(hh,-3,getdate()) AND yyy.begin_datetime < getdate() ORDER BY yyy.begin_datetime DESC' 01.03.17 16:57:37: Received Data Table with 2 Columns and 5 Rows 01.03.17 16:57:37: Closing Connection to MSSQL Server 'xxx\yyy' 01.03.17 16:57:37: title_ad: String found(""). Trying to parse as Int64, Double, TimeSpan or DateTime. 01.03.17 16:57:37: title_ad: "" [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind that any date or time formats need to use the "EN-US" format.

Created on Mar 1, 2017 4:11:54 PM



Could you post a screenshot of that? And from an actual SQL client that executes the query?

Created on Mar 2, 2017 1:42:37 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Original is query run from SQL Server 2014 Management Studio but for this problém is exit is from C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Sensor System\SQLv2.exe or from PRTG sensor Microsoft SQL v2

Created on Mar 7, 2017 7:29:43 AM

Last change on Mar 7, 2017 7:43:04 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



I also need a screenshot of the actual result from the management studio, as stated in my previous post :)

Created on Mar 7, 2017 7:43:49 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Screenshot wast sent yesterday but was not uploaded to this site

Created on Mar 8, 2017 7:56:56 AM



I didn't publish it since you censored the columns in the original post, hence I considered them confidential :) Could you try to cast the actual values (https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ms187928.aspx) as integers? Not sure why they're stored as strings within the database.

Here's another example.

Created on Mar 8, 2017 10:15:03 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



I've got the same problem, does the sensor allow only numerical value? I've got a string result cause it's the real value I need to know, isn't possibile to use it?

Created on Aug 30, 2017 6:45:39 AM



Hi Andrea,

In order to evaluate strings, please check the following article:
How can I monitor strings from an SQL database and show a sensor status depending on it?

Kind regards,
Stephan Linke, Tech Support Team

Created on Aug 30, 2017 6:59:06 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



For what it's worth: In our case SP_DATABASES_DATABASE_SIZE.sql which contains the command sp_databases, was addressing a query that was specified to max out at a DB size of 2TB.

When that was exceeded, a value of NULL was returned. As that is not a figure, PRTG threw this error: [System.String] value can not be parsed. Please keep in mind that any date or time formats need to use the "EN-US" format.

See limitation set to size in ddl of the stored procedure:

create procedure sys.sp_databases as set nocount on

select DATABASE_NAME = db_name(s_mf.database_id), DATABASE_SIZE = convert(int, case -- more than 2TB(maxint) worth of pages (by 8K each) can not fit an int... when sum(convert(bigint,s_mf.size)) >= 268435456 then null else sum(convert(bigint,s_mf.size))*8 -- Convert from 8192 byte pages to Kb end), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) from sys.master_files s_mf where s_mf.state = 0 and -- ONLINE has_dbaccess(db_name(s_mf.database_id)) = 1 -- Only look at databases to which we have access group by s_mf.database_id order by 1

Create a new version, e.g. sp_databasesV2, where that limitation is removed and put that in the file SP_DATABASES_DATABASE_SIZE.sql instead.

Created on Feb 14, 2023 10:33:10 AM

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