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FeedAcknowledge a down sensor with http action



Is it possible to manually acknowledge an alarm with an http action?

For example we currently have notifications that use HTTP actions to trigger a script on our phone system to call when certain sensors go to a down state. We can configure our phone system script to send an HTTP action response if the call receiving technician enters a pin. I have not been able to find a solution where PRTG receives an HTTP action response to a triggered notification to acknowledge said down sensor.

acknowledge http prtg

Created on Mar 3, 2017 3:28:46 PM

3 Replies



I have read through the process of acknowledging a sensor automatically, however I am seeking a process to do it manually by sending an HTTP action back to PRTG. This way the down sensor will continue to send the configured notification triggering the phone system script to call at set intervals until the on call tech enters a pin that will initiate an HTTP response back to PRTG to acknowledge the sensor.

Created on Mar 6, 2017 1:50:48 PM



Why not triggering the phone call directly with an additional notification instead with the escalation method which can be repeated? That pin-open-url construct is someting you need to come up with as PRTG doesn't support webhooks natively.

Created on Mar 6, 2017 7:37:00 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

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