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FeedWhy are some SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor channels not showing any information anymore?



Following an update to PRTG to version 17.x.32 (or later), some of the channels in the SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensors are no longer showing any information. And if I add sensors of this type again, these channels are gone. What is causing this?

channel cisco prtg snmp system-health ucs update

Created on Apr 20, 2017 6:30:56 AM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

Last change on May 11, 2017 5:10:06 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 17.2.32 or later

SNMP Cisco UCS System Health Sensors and the Removal of the Failure Predicted Channels

After updating PRTG to version 17.2.32 (or to a later version), some channels of the SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor no longer show any values. This is because these channels displayed misleading or incorrect information so we have removed them from the sensor.

Problem: Misleading Information in Failure Predicted Channels

There were cases where the SNMP Cisco UCS System Health sensor reported a predicted power supply failure in the UCS chassis. The following error was displayed: Error by lookup value 'Yes' in Power Supply Failure Predicted ("sys/chassis-1/psu-2" may fail soon (code: PE203)) The UCS manager did not report any errors because it turned out that this alert was misleading. This alert would usually occur when the power supplies were running in power saving mode.

This alert was caused by the cucsEquipmentPsuStatsSuspect property of the chassis reporting a status of 1(true) over SNMP. This additional property is not intended for monitoring the “predicted failure” of the PSU. It is intended for evaluating the readings for the cucsEquipmentPsuTable, which makes the reading of the cucsEquipmentPsuStatsSuspect property irrelevant or misleading from the perspective of PRTG.

Until now, the only way to disable the alert was to open the Power Supply Failure Predicted channel and disable the lookup (in other words, setting it to None).

Solution: We’ve Removed the Faulty Channels

We have solved this issue entirely by removing the three Failure Predicted channels because they are not necessary and did not provide the actual Predicted Failure Status.

  • Fan Failure Predicted
  • Fan Module Failure Predicted
  • Power Supply Failure Predicted

For existing sensors, this means that these channels are still visible but they no longer receive data. Because you cannot delete channels in PRTG, we recommend that you create the sensors again to get rid of these channels. To keep historic data of existing sensors, you can pause them.

For newly created sensors, these channels are no longer deployed at all.

Created on Apr 20, 2017 7:14:15 AM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jun 28, 2017 1:45:15 PM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]

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