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FeedActive Directory Replication Channels data source



I've successfully added the Active Directory Replication sensor to my domain controllers. Two of them are reporting Time of the last sync attempt and last sync success different than the others, results are 1 hr for both. I have replication AD Sites and Services set to 4 times an hour so I don't expect it to be more than 15 minutes.

Where is the sensor pulling data for the following channels so I can see if this is a real problem: Time of the last sync attempt Time of the last sync success

Thanks, Randolfini

active-directory-replication last-sync

Created on May 15, 2017 5:51:25 PM

2 Replies

Accepted Answer



Dear Randolfini,

The sensor uses WMI to directly request the AD replication information from the MSAD_ReplNeighbor class. You can use the WMI Tester and perform

select * from MSAD_ReplNeighbor

below the advanced tab. You can then manually compare the results which are also used by the sensor.

Best regards, Felix

Created on May 17, 2017 6:17:09 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



I had a similar problem. Found the issue was that the probe was set to a timezone one hour ahead of the server being monitored. Changing the time zone to the correct one fixed the issue.

Created on Feb 6, 2018 3:12:47 AM

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