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FeedMonitoring Pages Printed Per Toner



I want to calculate how many pages I get from one toner.

The SNMP can monitor Toner Levels, BUT it does not record them! To expand on this, it will show the levels on "live data", but not show the levels on "2 days". This applies to the graph, the tables and historical data.

  • Why is this? Why does PRTG get this data, but does not record it? It seems to only record the percentage of time the toner is at 100 (full).

Can this be changed? This would offer two benefits:

  1. usage can be graphic and "printers per toner" (and therefor cost per page) can be calculated.
  2. custom limits can be set for each toner, or that limits can be removed.

Of course i want to apply this in PRTG so i can run it against 100 printers. If it was just one that I would do it manually.

Thanks Andrew

page-count printer toner

Created on May 22, 2017 5:20:44 AM

Last change on May 22, 2017 8:26:12 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

2 Replies



Oh my, I think i solved this.

If i remove the lookup table from the channel then everything works fine. It will graph and chart all of the results.

Created on May 22, 2017 6:53:53 AM



Hello Andrew, thank you for your KB-Post.

While you've already "answered it yourself", allow me to explain why it is like this. :) - Please refer to the following:

Specifically, to the "The issue with state averages" section. The printer sensor does some internal calculations, but essentially it's based on this OID:

The current level if this supply is a container; remaining space if this supply is a receptacle. If this supply container/receptacle can reliably sense this value, the value is reported by the printer and is read- only; otherwise, the value may be written (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management Application). The value (- 1) means other and specifically indicates that the sub- unit places no restrictions on this parameter. The value (-2) means unknown. A value of (-3) means that the printer knows that there is some supply/remaining space, respectively.

This means that we need to take into account the following states:

  • (- 1) means other and specifically indicates that the sub- unit places no restrictions on this parameter.
  • The value (-2) means unknown.
  • A value of (-3) means that the printer knows that there is some supply/remaining space, respectively.

To handle these values the sensor uses a Range-based lookup. This allows the sensor to evaluate tonner usage exactly* like channel limits would, but "messes-up" the calculation of the averages in graphs because of the dilemma with "state averages".

Keep in mind however that if you use lower warning/error limits in the sensor, you may get an "incorrect alert" if the printer ever reports -1, -2 and -3 (since it's probably lower than your set lower limit, but doesn't necessarily mean that you're out of toner).

Luciano Lingnau [Paessler Support]

Created on May 22, 2017 8:32:47 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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