Ok, please send me screenshots showing the sensor's "Overview" and "Settings" tab (support@paessler.com, mention (Case PAE901234) in the subject).
Furthermore please enable Write result to disk in the sensor's Settings tab. With the next scan it will write one or several result-files into C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\Logs (Sensors) of your PRTG server (or on the Remote Probe if applicable). All files have the sensor's numeric ID in their filenames. The sensor ID can be found on the sensor's Overview tab. Please send me those result-files too.
Note: In case you've configured a different data-path in PRTG Administration Tool, you need to look there for subfolder "Logs (Sensors)".
Last but not least please follow these steps which will generate additional logs:
- Within PRTG head to Setup > System Administration > Administrative Tools and press button "Write Probe Status Files".
- To upload the Probe State files and the PRTG system logs to our FTP server, open PRTG Administration Tool on the responsible probe system and use the button "Send Logs to Paessler..." on tab "Logs and Infos".
- Make sure to enter this ticket's id there (PAE901234) before uploading.
Thank you.
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