using standard SNMP sensor bandwidth/traffic monitor, any vlan interface shows zero traffic (both in and out) I tried different vendors: Cisco Nexus and Brocade SX800 In CLI (Cisco) these fields are populated and counters are incresing:
FRDAT1-10-SW4# sh interface vlan 218 counters detailed all 0. l3_routed_bytes_in = 683254533680278 1. l3_routed_pkts_in = 1920058755727 2. l3_routed_bytes_out = 787053767356995 3. l3_routed_pkts_out = 1440346411086 FRDAT1-10-SW4# sh interface vlan 218 counters detailed all 0. l3_routed_bytes_in = 683260861235939 1. l3_routed_pkts_in = 1920069862775 2. l3_routed_bytes_out = 787061859337962 3. l3_routed_pkts_out = 1440364572451 FRDAT1-10-SW4# sh interface vlan 218 counters detailed all 0. l3_routed_bytes_in = 683264749177345 1. l3_routed_pkts_in = 1920073753872 2. l3_routed_bytes_out = 787067309303188 3. l3_routed_pkts_out = 1440370570222
There are any special MIB? I didn't found nothing.. I assume it's a common needs for network administrators, so do you have even heard of that before?
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