Hi All
I have set up a lot of folder against our inhouse fileservers. These are used for accounting against our clients. We basically have one server with one share for each client, and another server with two shares for each client. I've so far set it up for around 20 clients. The credentials are inhereted from root for all the clients groups, so they all use the same credentials. The folder sensors inheret the interval from the device. The user used is a Domain Admin. Check interval is set to 6 hours.
It works for most of the folders. A few of the folder sensors fail. I mostly get this error: Logon failure: Connection in use (code: PE029). Which as I can see refers to multiple logins with different credentials, but as the user is inherited, I don't think that's the case. I've gone all the way up through the hierachy, just to check that no other credentials has been entered. I've also made sure that the folder name doesn't start with anything else than the sharename, no slashes or back-slashes or the likes.
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