I have tried to monitor the pfsense's temperature throguh SNMP but it seems that pfsense doesn't send any information about it. So I have made a script that works on console. I have put it in
the name of script is cputemp and it is the below :
#!/bin/sh sysctl -n dev.cpu.0.temperature |tr -d C
so when I type ./cputemp on console I get the cpu tempereature like this
Then, in PRTG devices I add ssh script sensor, I set pfsense's credentials, they are right because I see incoming ssh session in pfsense's log but in the next page at "Sensor Settings->Sctipt" I get the following message:
Warning, no access to tty, (Bad file descriptor).
And I am stuck and don't know what to do, probably it is a stupid problem, don't know.
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