Tiene alguna otra duda o así se las envió?
We currently have a single PRTG installation and would like to cluster with another installation but we have a few doubts concerning access over the internet and server types.
- We need Master and Failover accessible from internet in order to login remotely, our Master already has a DNS FQDN and is accessible from internet. So the question is do I need another FQDN or public IP to access the Failover incase the Master fails, or is it possible to use only one FQDN/public IP for both servers in a cluster? Both are on the same LAN.
- Suppose we get my first question out of the way and the Master and Failover are now clustering and accessible from internet, when they sync over port 23570 will it be done over the internet or can that part be done through the LAN?
- Our Master is currently a virtual machine running windows server 2008 but our failover will be a physical machine running windows server 2012. If both are 64-bit versions and hardware is similar, will there be a problem since they are different versions of windows?
- Can we make a Failover into a Master so that we can get rid of our current Master which is a virtual machine, and then make a new Failover on a physical machine? We currently only have one Master on a virtual machine and would like to slowly migrate to all physical cluster.
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