I'm using the historicdata API in order to retrieve one entry for the whole time interval in a day. The request is as follows:
http://coreAddress/api/historicdata.xml?id=sensorId&avg=30600&sdate=2017-11-03-08-00-00&edate=2017-11-03-16-30-00 |
The returned XML contains a single entry, as expected, but the time interval starts and ends earlier with 30 minutes:
<histdata totalcount="1" listend="1"> <prtg-version></prtg-version> <item> <datetime>11/3/2017 7:30:00 AM - 4:00:00 PM</datetime> <datetime_raw>43042.5833333333</datetime_raw> [...] </item> </histdata>
Any suggestions for working around this issue?
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