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FeedA Sensor for multiple instances of the same .exe



Is it possible to create a sensor for each instance of the same .exe File. Processname is always prog.exe, just the PID and the Main Window Title are different.

More Details: I start prog.exe from a ps1 script including a given argument list. This create an instance of prog.exe with a specific main window titel (servername01) and other parameters wich comes from an ini file. Now i have an instance running "prog.exe" with a main window title "servername01". Then i start the same prog.exe from the ps1 script again, but with a modified argument list. Now i have another prog.exe running, but with a diffrent main window titel (servername02). How can i monitor these two instances of the same prog.exe with diffrent main window title?

instances main-windows-title monitoring

Created on Nov 7, 2017 10:07:47 PM

1 Reply



Dear aSaHi_HAL9000,

the build-in process sensor can only use the executable to discern processes. That means, you cannot monitor these processes separately with PRTG standard sensors.

The solution here would be to write a custom sensor which gets more information about a process using the Windows API.

Created on Nov 8, 2017 2:05:56 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

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