Is it possible to change the order of the elements in a report? How can I do this?
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This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 17.4.35 or later
Changing the Order of Report Elements
You can reorganize, remove, or modify elements in report templates according to your needs.
A template consists of several template files. When creating a report, the web engine pastes all these "includes" together into one HTML file to generate the report. In order to modify a report template, changes to the main file, to one of the include files, or both are necessary.
Note: Good knowledge of HTML is a minimum requirement to make any of the following modifications! Please note that modifications are unsupported.
Make a backup of every file you are going to change!
- Step 1: In the \webroot\reporttemplates\ subfolder of your PRTG installation, locate the main report template file of the report you want to change the layout for, for example "A30 Graph with Data Table - Graph 1m - Table 1m.htm".
- Step 2: Once you've found the right template file, duplicate it and save it with a custom name.
Tip: Choose a filename with a leading 0 (zero) and your template will appear at the top of the list later on. The entries in the dropdown list are sorted alphabetically based on the filenames. - Step 3: Open the file with a text editor. You may need to open the editor as an administrator user to be write-enabled.
- Step 4: Choose a name for your report template and write it into the HTML comment in the first line of the source code. The format is "category: name". Category (with grey background) and name will appear in the template selection dropdown in the PRTG web interface later on. Save the HTM file.
- Step 5: In the source code of the duplicated file, search for the code snippet with the <#report> tag, for example
#report type="list" name="details\Graph plus 30day graph and Table.htm
- Step 6: In this include call, change the filename of the HTM file that is called. For example, append _custom to the filename call. The changed line will look like this:
#report type="list" name="details\Graph plus 30day graph and Table_custom.htm
- Step 7: Go to the \webroot\reporttemplates\details subfolder of your PRTG installation.
- Step 8: Find the HTM file that is called in the source code of the main report template file (see Step 5).
- Step 9: Duplicate this HTM file and save it with the custom name you used in Step 6. For example, append _custom to the filename. Make sure the resulting file name matches the one you used in Step 6.
- Step 10: Open the duplicated file. It may look like this:
<div class="onereport report<@counter>"> <#include file="includes\printheading.htm"> <h1><#objectproperty name="name">: <b><#objectproperty id="<@objectid>" name="name"></b></h1> <table cellspacing=0 class="overview"> <tr class=even> <td class=title><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.reporttimespan" default="Report Time Span">:</td> <td colspan=6><#report type="startdate"> - <#report type="enddate"></td> </tr> <tr class=odd> <td class=title><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.reporthours" default="Report Hours">:</td> <td colspan=6><#report type="reporthours"></td> </tr> <tr class=even> <td class=title><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.sensortype" default="Sensor Type">:</td> <td colspan=6><#objectstatus name="type" id="<@objectid>"> (<#objectstatus id="<@objectid>" name="interval"> <#lang key="html.reporttemplates.interval" default="Interval">)</td> </tr> <tr class=odd> ... </tr> <@loop> </table> <div class="reportgraph"> <#report type="chart" graphid="<@subid>" repsensid="<@objectid>" avg="<@graphaverage>" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" width=850 height=270 graphstyling="baseFontSize='12'%20showLegend='0'" tooltexts="1" refreshable="true"> <div style="width:850px"><#report type="legend" repnodeid="<@subid>" repsensid="<@objectid>" width="850"></div> <#report type="chart" graphid="<@subid>" repsensid="<@objectid>" avg="3600" sdate="<@start>" edate="<@end>" startoff="-30" endoff="0" width=850 height=150 graphstyling="baseFontSize='9'%20showLegend='0'" tooltexts="1" datastyling="drawAnchors='1'%20anchorRadius='1'%20lineThickness='1'" refreshable="true"> </div> ... <#include file="includes\printfooter.htm"> </div>
- Step 11: Each placeholder, separated by <# and >, adds one HTML element to the report, for example <#lang key="html.reporttemplates.reporttimespan" default="Report Time Span">. To change their order, simply change the order of the lines. You can also delete single lines if you do not want a certain element to appear in the report at all. You can even try to add lines from other report templates here.
- Step 12: Save the HTM file.
- Step 13: In PRTG, create a report using your new template and check the result of your modifications.
See Also
- How do I modify PRTG report templates?
- How can I change the header image in reports?
- How can I change the header and footer in reports?
- How can I change the size of graphs in reports?
- How can I change the number of sensors in reports?
- How can I delete page breaks in reports?
- Can I change the number of PDFs created by a report?
- How can I remove components from reports?
Created on Nov 9, 2017 2:17:20 PM by
Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]
Last change on Mar 23, 2018 12:41:47 PM by
Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]
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