first let me say that PRTG is one of the best piece of software I've the last years. It is genius.
But now to my problem. We run PRTG on several servers and monitor a lot of things right now. More to come. On my client I have installed it just for testing out new things. I run the newest canary version on a Win 7 client.
I wrote a powershell script to check a file and it works fine. For some security reasons I compiled the script with PS2EXE-GUI and it also works fine on the command line. It accepts 4 parameters and gives back "0:ok" or "1:failed" just like I wanted it to. On the web interface I fail because I cannot set another "Primary channel" except the two ones that are always there.
What's the difference between .ps1 and .exe concerning this? What must my script/program have to take influence on this setting? What's my mistake?
Thank you in advance for some hints
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