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FeedHow do I make a report with specific type of sensors in warning or error?



I would like to make a report that shows all the 'disk free' sensors that are either in warning or error. We have a ton of servers here, and a lot of them are showing warnings for disk space. I would very much like to do something about that, but rather than going to each server with a warning to determine if the warning stems from a disk free, it would be much better if I could get a report over it. It's not difficult to get a report over all disk free sensors, but I don't see how I can filter them, so that it only the ones in warning or error that are included?

error reports sensor warning

Created on Dec 12, 2017 8:01:27 AM

1 Reply



I believe the easiest way to do this would be with libraries, you can check the manual for more instruction on how to set them up.

Created on Dec 12, 2017 3:49:38 PM

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