I am trying to use a Python Custom Sensor to ssh to a device, run a single command, capture the output and return that to the channel sensor.
My SSH code works great on its own :-)
Ideally I like to pass the username and password to the script also but for now its static in the initiateSSH function
When I set up the Sensor and pass the %host parameter to this script PRTG throws out an error:
XML: Structural error in xml file, 8 open items. -- JSON: The returned json does not match the expected structure (Invalid JSON.). (code: PE231)
This is my code, any help would be greatly appreciated.
#Imports import logging import time import datetime import sys import subprocess import os import sys import json def initiateSSH (host): import paramiko import cmd import time import sys import socket import os usrpassword = 'password' cmd = 'show clock’ delay = int(5) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(host, username='admin', password=usrpassword) chan = ssh.invoke_shell() time.sleep(delay) #Send command: chan.send(cmd) time.sleep(delay) chan.send('\n') resp = chan.recv(99999) logging.info (resp) time.sleep(delay) chan.send('\n') resp = chan.recv(99999) return resp ssh.close #get CustomSensorResult from paepy package from paepy.ChannelDefinition import CustomSensorResult if __name__ == "__main__": # interpret first command line parameter as json object data = json.loads(sys.argv[1]) #SSH to Host sshGet = initiateSSH(data) #Return Result to PRTG result = CustomSensorResult("Result from SSH " + sshGet) # add primary channel result.add_channel(channel_name="Percentage", unit="Percent", value=87, is_float=False, primary_channel=True, is_limit_mode=True, limit_min_error=10, limit_max_error=90, limit_error_msg="Percentage too high") # add additional channel result.add_channel(channel_name="Response Time", unit="TimeResponse", value="4711") # print sensor result to std print(result.get_json_result())
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