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FeedFile content sensor



How Can I write custom script along with using file content sensor provided my PRTG. Actually after finding error in log file i want to rename that file and create new file with same name. I could not achieve it using File Content sensor. Or anything you can guide me as another approach will help me.

Thanks in advance!

filecontent script wmi-custom-sensor

Created on Dec 26, 2017 1:50:31 PM

6 Replies



Dear madhuri,

you could try to use an Exe file or script (Bat, Powershell) for the notification triggered by the file content sensor. However, the script always runs on the core server. For remote execution, the script has to perform that itself.

A custom sensor runs on the according probe (not on the remote device) and also has to perform remote authentication. As an alternative, you could setup a remote probe on that machine.

The custom sensor API is described in the PRTG web interface, menu Setup / PRTG API, tab "Custom Sensors".

Created on Dec 27, 2017 4:01:11 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Hi , I just would like to confirm if I understood clearly.. Do you mean use file content sensor provided by PRTG? and use script for notification? Could you explain notification here means what kind of? Also I have found notification tab for any sensor which notifies when sensor is up or down. Is there any way that If i found error in log file, notify admin or any person whom it should be communicated as per requirement.Basically my most of the requirements are like if some string found or in logs(IIS logs, event viewer logs then notify admin or person in charge via email).Notification tab in PRTG only shows configurations when sensor is up or down. Please suggest!Thank you in advance.

Created on Dec 28, 2017 5:18:35 AM



Dear madhuri,

the file content sensor (the one built into PRTG) has a channel for matches. You can put limits on this channel which turn the sensor down on certain conditions. Then you can use the down trigger for notification.

If an email is sufficient, you can configure the email sending (Setup / System Administration / Notification Delivery) and add a new notification (Setup / Account Settings / Notifications).

Created on Dec 28, 2017 11:35:22 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



I just checked Setup / Account Settings / Notifications) and saw configurations in it. It has SMTP settings etc. But how this notification will understand that in some log file I found error and then trigger this notification. Because as far as I understood , this will only create another notification, but how that will be mapped to my condition which will meet( e.g. if error count goes beyond 100 or if matching string is found in log file)

Created on Dec 28, 2017 12:32:27 PM



Dear madhuri,

the file content sensor (the one built into PRTG) has a channel for matches. You can put limits on this channel which turn the sensor down on certain conditions. Then you can use the down trigger for notification.

For this I have another doubt. I saw channels and seen predefined values in it. How and where I can put limitations on channel and depending on that how it will turn sensor down. Sorry for all basic questions, but we are planning to use PRTG on large scale and need to understand its basics.

Thank you in advance!

Created on Dec 28, 2017 12:37:03 PM

Last change on Dec 28, 2017 3:30:58 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Dear madhuri,

when you are on the sensor overview tab, you can click on any gauge in order to open that channel's configuration. There you can enable and configure the channel limits.

In PRTG, notifications always use either channel data directly, with a threshold trigger, or the sensor status, which can be changed using channel limits.

Created on Dec 28, 2017 3:33:15 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]

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