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FeedCustom low warning status sensor for interface



I want to have another icon color for low warning status on interface. I explain: for a channel in interface settings, we have the high error and warning and the low error and warning triggers.

All warning are in orange color but I want to separate the high and low warning with different color to easily see them.

Ex: for the channel traffic in for an interface, I put a high warning of 900Mbps and a low warning of 10Mbps. On the status icon, the color should be orange when the traffic is above 900Mbps and purple if the traffic is below 10Mbps (all in warning states).

Is it possible?

custom sesnsor warning

Created on Jan 13, 2018 3:22:05 AM

1 Reply



Hello Ntsoa,

I'm afraid that PRTG internally does not differentiates between an upper or lower warning status, both results in a warning state. Therefore, it's also not possible to adjust the colors accordingly.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Jan 15, 2018 12:10:32 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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